Day in the Life

Nov 5, 1891

Journal Entry

November 05, 1891 ~ Thursday

5 Finished from Oct 25 (Or After doing and
suffering what we have through our adhereance to
this principelle to scease the Practice and submit to the
law and through doing so have the Prophets Apostls
and Fathers at home so they can instruct the
People and attend to the Duties of the Church, Also leave
the Temples in the hands of the Saints of the Saints
so they can attend to the ordinances of the Gospel
both for the living & the Dead. Now the inspiration of
the Lord will reveal to any person which course
wisdom would dictate us to persue And the Latter day
Saints throughout Israel should understand that
the first Presidency of the Church And the Twelve Apostles
are ledof and guided by the inspiration of the Lord
And the Lord will not permit me nor any other
man to lead the People Asstray)

5 I signed 12 Recommends & received 8 Letters
I met with the Bank Board I attended the Theater
in the Evening with G Q C. & Emma & Blanch


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions


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November 5, 1891 ~ Thursday 5 Finished from Oct 25 (Or After doing and suffering what we have through our adhereance to this principelle to scease the Practice and submit to the law and through doing so have the Prophets Apostls and Fathers at home so they can instruct the People and attend to the Duties of the Church, Also leave the Temples in the hands of the Saints of the Saints so they can attend to the ordinances of the Gospel both for the living & the Dead? Now the inspiration of the Lord will reveal to any person which course wisdom would dictate us to persue And the Latter day Saints throughout Israel should understand that the first Presidency of the Church And the Twelve Apostles are ledof and guided by the inspiration of the Lord And the Lord will not permit me nor any other man to lead the People Asstray)
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Letter from Nelson Adam Empey, 5 November 1891

Pres. W. Woodruff— Dear Bro., Bro. Andrus Anderson who has recently received, in the name of John A Anderson, a notice to go on a mission is 57 years of age has no home of his own and no means whatever to pay his way to his field of labor. He is, however, in full faith and fellowship adnd desireous of doing what he can to help on the work but his circumstances are as stated above. N A Empey Bishop ^13th ward^ H G. Park Council Geo. E. Woolley [Council] 3 Brick Row Social Hall Alley

Letter from Herman Knudsen, 5 November 1891

Provo City, Mr. Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother. the Missionary Call came to me yesterday and if the Lord will assist me i will respond to the Call your Brother Herman Knudsen J. P. R Johnson Bp. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from John Walker Sykes Jr., 5 November 1891

American Fork President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City B Dear Brother I recived yours notifying ^me^ to the Indian Territory mission And I feel it my duty to fulfill that mission to the best of my ability And I feel to thank God that I am thought worthy to go and promulgate the everlasting Gospel And will be ready at the appointed time if all is well. Your Brother in Gospel John W Sykes Bp George Halliday O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Nelson Adam Empey, 5 November 1891

Pres. W. Woodruff; Dear Bro, Bro. John Anderson has recent- ly received a notice to go upon a mission but desires us to state his circumstances. He is in debt at present and is working upon the Temple where he receives tithing pay for his labor. He says that if he could convert his tithing pay into money he could be prepared to go about the 1st of April. This brother is not as yet an American citizen. Nelson A. Empey Bishop ^8th ward^ Hamilton G. Park Council Geo. E. Woolley [Council] Corner of 2nd East & South Temple See over.

Letter from Otto Rydman, 5 November 1891

Salt Lake City, . President W. Woodruff: I have received your letter of the 26th of Oct. 1891, in which I am called as a missionary to Scandinavia, with request to prepare for leaving this city on Nov. 28th or Dec. 5th next; but I must state that I am not at present in condi- tion to accept the call, for the following reasons: I have lately been married, have no home of my own and am involved in debt to the amount of some $40000. Be- sides I have only been in America a little over three years and want to get my citizen's paper before I go back to my mother country, inasmuch as I till that time will be subject to the military laws of Sweden. Respectfully, Otto Rydman. 24 S. 2nd East. the above are facts so farr as I know Respectfully yours N A Empey Bishop 13th ward

Letter from John McCarthy, 5 November 1891

Brother Woodruff: If you sent me a kind letter requireing an answer; and I would not answer it, because I was rich, and the other poor. Would you not think, I had neither politeness nor the humilyity of the lowly Nazarene? In this, your thoughts would be as true, as the balance of the great Judge. Your friend, in all truth. John McCarthy.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Smith Bill $10.35 Emma $4 14 35


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 5, 1891