Day in the Life

Dec 27, 1892

Journal Entry

December 27, 1892 ~ Tuesday

27 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I went to the office received 5 & wrote 2 Letters
to Mrs Thatcher Malilda Hatch


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Hatch, Melinda Woodruff
15 Dec 1826 - 29 Mar 1893
63 mentions


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Letter from George Goddard, 27 December 1892

President W. Woodruff & Council Dear Brethren For your sanction and blessing I respectfully submit a few more suggestions on the subject of organizing a Temperance Society among the Latter day saints. Since I last approached you on the subject, increased facilities and temptations have arisen in our midst, including Union Clubs, Bathing resorts, Election Clubs, &c, all of which haveing a tendency of strengthening, and enticing, the body and soul destroying use of Tobacco and Strong Drink. Tis true, there are one or more Temperance Organizations in our midst, and some of our brethren, (by their influence) have been snatched from a drunkards grave, and are now, in their right mind and become respected members of society. Tis true, also, that we have Keeley, and

Letter from Willson Gates Nowers, 27 December 1892

Decr 27th [18]92 The First Presidency, Dear Brethren, There being no representative from headquarters present at our quarterly conference, and thinking you would probably be pleased to learn or rather hear from this Stake I take the liberty of inclosing a few brief notes that you may be advised as to the result of the conference, which was quite interesting as well as instructive to the assembled congregations, which by the way were not as numerously attended as is usual with us here. The peculiarities operating at this season of the year may be partially the cause of the slack attendance. The statistical reports showed a

Letter from Willson Gates Nowers, 27 December 1892

Letter from Willard Gilbert Smith, 27 December 1892

Prest Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I Received Your Letter of the 22nd containing the information that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to the Southern States. In answer will say, that I propose to hold myself subject to the suggestions of the Preisthood. And if by them it is deemed best for me to Labour for a while in the Southern States I feel to say All right. And it will be my earnest desire to be ready to start for my feild of Laber on the 12th of April that being the date named for these missionaries to bid good day to their families and friends for a time. I Remain Most Respectfully Your Brother in the gospel, W. G Smith Lyman Mecham Bishop O.K. J. F. S.


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Dec 27, 1892