Day in the Life

Dec 28, 1892

Journal Entry

December 28, 1892 ~ Wednesday

28. I went to the Temple in the Morning with my
councillors and Decided upon the finishing of several
Rooms & Parts of the Temple


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Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes
" " " Died Aged 89 years & 6 days Married O T Woodruff [written in red ink]
Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 28 December 1892
Prest Wilford Woodruff and counselors Dear Brethern In carefully canvassing our financial condition, at a meeting of the Stake Presidency this week, we find we are very badly in need of some means to enable us to meet our obligations as a stake. We therefore adress this letter to you, and ask you if possible to help us out by appropriating two thousand dollars, to the Stake. This indebtedness has accrued through the expenses attached to the care of Stake Tabernacle and grounds, fuel, lights, Deacon, &c, and for various expenses which attach to the carrying on of the work necessarily connected ^with^ the Stake. A portion also is for improvements on the Tabernacle, more than at at first estimated when the appor- tionment was made, and that we first asked for, and which you kindly granted


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Dec 28, 1892