Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1893

Journal Entry

January 10, 1893 ~ Tuesday

10 Prest George Q Cannon called upon me in the morning
And administered to me I was better to day I slept
Better through the night


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions

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Letter from James Edward Grantham, 10 January 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Dear B^r^other I received the call to fill a Mission in the Southern States on the 9th and I accept the same with Joy and with the help of the Lord I will try to fill the same yours truly James E Grantham The above O.K. John C. Dalton Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Lorenzo Durfee, 10 January 1893

Almo, Idaho Prest Woodruff Deare Brother I received yours of 6th Jan notifying me of being called to go a mission to the Southern States. I may say that it is like a shock to me; in my ignorance to think of taking this responsibility but if you and my Bretheren think I am worthy, I am willing with the help of my God to obey the call, for in indeed of my myself I am very weak. There is nothing to hinder me from, going, but jest now I am short of money. I have property I could sell, but to do so for the cash in so short

Letter from Nathan Tanner Porter Jr., 10 June 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. Your call of the 7th inst. recieved. I am willing to go. Your Brother, Nathan T. Porter Jr. A B Porter Bisp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Oliver Cromwell Ormsby, 10 January 1894

Logan, Utah. Pres W. Woodruff Dear Brother, Inclosed please find the names of Elizabeth Weeks & Jos. P. Green both of Smithfield Cache Co. who are prepared to take a Course of Sunday School instructions at Provo Respectfully Yours Brother O. C. Ormsby Cache Stake Supt S.S.


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Jan 10, 1893