Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1893

Journal Entry

March 04, 1893 ~ Saturday

4 I spent the day at home Bought a pump for the spring

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Letter from Alfred Solomon, 4 March 1893

President Woodruff and Council Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethren We have just received a Letter from Elder Don C W Musser of the Turkish Mission containing Statistical Report &c, He says He wish He could have a Companion to Labor with Him as He beleive He could accomplish more, I thought I had better submit this to you, that you could advise us on the matter We have Eight Elders just come in from the Scandinavian Mission who will sail, with about the same number of Elders, from England, and a few Saints from London and other places, on the Ship, Majestic, March 8th. The Guion Line commences to Sail their Vessels in April. The Arizona on the 8th, Alaska on the 22nd. We have just received word from the Co that the Nevada will Sail on the 15th of April The Brethren in the office are all Well in Health, Received word last night that Elder S M Barrett has a slight attack of Influenza. With Kind Regards I Remain Your Brother Alfred Solomon P. S. any instructions in regard to Emigration will be thankfully received, we have a number of Applications on the matter from the Saints A. S. see over

Letter from Orson Smith, 4 March 1893

First Presidency, Dear Brethern At our last semi anual conference the R R fares were $3.80 round trip ticket. Where as excursion rates to Garfield and Provo, were only $2.80 so I am credably informed, That is from the Logan Station in Cache Valley, the same ratio will hold through out. It seems inconsistant to our people that this difference should be made, since our journey to and from S. L. City is kept up with such regularity. Is there any moove looking to a reduction of rates to our coming conference? If it was thought wise to make a general moove in this matter, do you not think something could be done? At the old rate it will cost the saints of this Stake, for fare alone about $11,400.00 cash With kind regards Your Brother Orson Smith

Letter from Noah H. Osborne, 4 March 1893

New York. 2042 Fifth Avenue Revnd Wilford Woodruff President of the Church of latter day Saints My Dear Long Time ago friend Pardon me while i ask a few questions. how is your health for one of your great age. It seems to me a long time since I saw you and worked together for Mr Demming in old Farmington. your Father was my friend and I esteemed highly. I read much of Utauh in various papers. what I want to know is this, do they mingle much truth & some falshood in their news is there any considerable number of the member of your church that

Telegram from Orson Smith, 4 March 1893

Received at President's Office, Salt Lake City, at 5:10 pm Dated, Logan, 4, To Wilford Woodruff— There are twenty-seven hundred desirous of attending Temple dedication. Orson Smith. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO.

Telegram from Edwin Dilworth Woolley Jr., 4 March 1893

Received at 79 Main St., under Deseret Bank, Salt Lake City, at 7:33 P.m. Dated, Kanab, Mar. 4, To Prest. Wilford Woodruff. There will be about fifty of our people attend the dedication of the Temple. E. D. Woolley. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO. [sideways text] BE SURE YOU ANSWER BY THIS LINE. SEE OFFICE ADDRESS ON THIS MESSAGE. [end of sideways text]


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Mar 4, 1893