Day in the Life

Jan 12, 1893

Journal Entry

January 12, 1893 ~ Thursday

12 Met with the Artist for Painting in the Temple
they Asked $17000 dollars for painting two rooms
we could not pay that Price we finally agreed to give
them $300 a month W met with the Apostles


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Letter from Christine Matson, 12 January 1893

Pres W. Woodroof. Box B. S.L.C. utah. Dear Br. I know you have lots to Do & look after all of you God Bless you But my matter is of great In Portens. & I have seen teachers Presenā¬¦s & fast & praid & had Hands Lady on my Durter

Letter from William Henry Thompson, 12 January 1893

Clarkston Predisent Office Salt Lake City Dear Brother In answer to your kind letter of Jan 6th Will say if you ^say^ I should go after explaining my circemstances I Will go and Be ready at my time that you may say in the first place I am a cripple So Bad at One time that the doctor Wanted to cut Out the hip Bone and at times it effects me so I am layed up for Weeks at a time I am Just getting around from a three Week sickness now as for my finaceal conditions are concerened I could [page torn] [g]o and Will go if you think

Letter from Timothy Terry, 12 January 1893

Marriott Ward President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received your comunication with regard to my appointment as missionary to the Southern Stats I will say in reply that I can be ready at the appointed time if no change is made I wo^u^ld prefer ^to^ go to Great Britan if it is agreeable with you but I am willing to go where you say If a change is made I can be ready sooner than March 3 if needfull Please lit me know as soon as convenient whether the change is made or not Your Brother in the gospel Timothy Terry James Ritchie Bishop I have no objection to the change to Gt. Britain, as Elders are needed there too. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

from Jaqes Valley House 40


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Jan 12, 1893