Day in the Life

Feb 13, 1893

Journal Entry

February 13, 1893 ~ Monday

13 I received Telegram from G Q Cannon Answered

Receivers fees to Jan 1, 1893 is $22531.
Receivers Attorney's fees to Jan 1, is1893 is $15260.
Fund has been in Bank since July 1890
Interest on same $27,446.39.
Fund has Decreased in Receiver Hands $31,316.
After receiving credit for all interest Paid
Had an interview with Wm Bromley


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions

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Letter from A. T. McDill, 13 February 1893

Colorado Springs, Colo Bishop of the Mormon church Salt Lake City Dear Sir: I do not know that I address you by the proper title. But what I want is to get a copy, new or second hand of Bancrofts His- tory of Utah I understand that it can be had in your city. Please let me know if they are out for free distribution what a second hand or cheap, edition new can be had for and much oblige Yours truly A. T. McDill.

Letter from Frank Goff, 13 February 1893

President Woodruff, Dear Brother; There is nothing, to prevent me from going to the Islands, there- fore I am making preparations to leave San Francisco on (3: 1, 93.) Mar. 1, 1893. For I am willing to go and fill a mission to the Society Islands to the best of my ability Your Bro. in the Gospel, Frank Goff. W. Jordan. John A Egbert O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Henry Gubler, 13 February 1893

Santa Clara Wilford Woodruff. Having been called a year previous, to take a mission to Switzerland and Germany, I will make ready and leave in the spring wif I am wanted, If it soots your mind I would like to goe in April. I would like to ^go^ with company, being young and unexpierenced. I am attending school this winter at the academy, nevertheless I feel weak in taking a mission, with the help of the Lord I will go and do the best of my ability. I am not much acquanted with the gospel, I have a little start in the swiss language. Respectfully Yours, Henry Gubler. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Jonathan Jones Toronto, 13 February 1893

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff: City Dear Brother: I have received your letter stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Europe, and asking what my fellings were in regards to the same. I will say the same as I said in reply to the letter I received, asking me if I would accept a call to go to the Society Islands on a mission, March 1st 93; That I am willing to go where those placed over me see fit to send me, and with the help of my Heavenly Father

Letter from Jesse Williams Fox Jr., 13 February 1893

Salt Lake City Pres. Woodruff: Being called upon a mission to the Society Islands, I accept and will try to the best of my ability to spread the gospel to the inhabitants of the Islands: Your Brother in the Gospel Jesse. W. Fox. Geo H Taylor Bsh 14 Ward Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Oscar August Wold Levanger, 13 February 1893

Ranch Brother Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother Yours letter of Nov. 19th 1892 came to hand and was excepted and was pleased to have the opertunety of going on a mission and try to fullfill the work of god But you caught me in rather bad shape I have just taken a bunch of cattle to run for one year and was on the range whean the letter came and have been off all winter abought so you will have to excuse me for not writting before and I will be redy any time after next November 1893 Yourse Truley Oscar A. Levanger Prest Woodruff Dear Brother, The above explains its Self. He and Parents are from Denmark he is a young man & can speak the Language fairly. I believe he will make a Good missionary and is willing to go whare

Letter from Pehr Olof Holmgren, 13 February 1893

Bear River City U. Mr W. Woodruff President Mormon Church Salt Lake City. Dear Sir: I protest against the sen- ding of my son David Holmgren on a mission to Sweden for the follow- ing reasons: I need him in my business to Superintend the work on my farm and take care of my stock, which in my estimation is far more honorab- le and useful to me, himself and his Nation. Should he through Priestly influence still insist to go against my wish, he being of age, I must then of course submit and govern myself accordingly. Respectfully P. O. Holmgren We do not wish to influence his son in the least, but as he is of age, we are willing to leave the matter with his

Letter from Rebecca Elizabeth Howell Mace, 13 February 1893

Letter from William Jones, 13 February 1893

Nephi City President Woodruff Dear Brother I received your Welcome letter some time since But did not know how to answer It as I havent a dollar towards going on a Mission but I Think with the help of the Lord I can go by the specified time Your brother William Jones T. H. G. Parkes Bp. All right. J. F. S.


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Feb 13, 1893