Day in the Life

Feb 24, 1893

Journal Entry

February 24, 1893 ~ Friday

24 I spent the day in the office


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Letter to David King Udall, 24 February 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. D. K. Udall St. Johns Stake of Zion, Dear Brother: Please let me know by letter or telegram within ten days as near as you possibly can, how many persons from your stake expect to attend the dedication of the Temple in this city. In this estimate you may include all baptized members of the church of every age; children under eight years will be admitted to these services. Without this information the Presidency cannot make the necessary arrangements ast to the days the saints from your Stake will have the privilege of attending. It must be remembered that none will be admitted to the dedication witho[ut] first obtaining an ordinary reccomend from their Bishop, countersigned, as usual, by the President of the Stake. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 24 February 1893

P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. F. A Hammond San Juan Stake of Zion, Dear Brother: Please let me know by letter or telegram within ten days as near as you possibly can, how many persons from your stake expect to attend the dedication of the Temple in this city. In this estimate you may include all baptized members of the church of every age; children under eight years will not be admitted to these services. Without this information the Presidency cannot make the necessary arrange- ments as to the days the Saints from your Stake will have the privilege of attending. It must be remembered that none will be admitted to the dedication without first obtaining an ordinary recommend from their Bishop, countersigned, as usual, by the President of the Stake. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to Orson Smith, 24 February 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. Orson Smith Cache Stake of Zion, Dear Brother: Please let me know by letter or telegram within ten days as near as you possibly can how many persons from your stake expect to attend the dedivcation of the Temple in this City. In this estimate you m may include all baptized members of the church of every age; children under eight years of age will not be admitted to these services. Without this information the Presidency cannot make the necessary arrangements as to the days the saints from your stake will have the privilege of attend- ing. It must be remembered that none will be admitted to the dedication without first having obtained an ordinary recommend from their Bishop, countersigned, as usual, by the President of the Stake. Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from James Edward Talmage, 24 February 1893

(Dictated). . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: On the 20th inst. I received from you by the hand of Brother George Reynolds, a piece of stione said to have been brought from the hill of Adam ondi Ahman and to have probably formed part of the altar there existing. I was requested to examine the stone, this I have done with the following result: The specimen consists of fine-grained calcareous Sandstone. Chem- ically it is composed of Silica, in the form of sand, and a consider- able admixture of carbonate of lime. It is compact and tough and would form a good building stone. The shape of the piece is probably due to the action of water and other weathering agencies. If you do not direct otherwise the specimen will be preserved in the Deseret Museum. Very respectfully your brother, J. E. Talmage

Mission - Missionary Certificate for Joseph Moroni Folkman, 24 February 1893

in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $4 E $4 coal $11 E $5 24


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Feb 24, 1893