Day in the Life

Feb 26, 1893

Journal Entry

February 26, 1893 ~ Sunday

26 Sunday I spent the day at home

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Letter from William A. Garrett Jr., 26 February 1893
President Wilford Woo^d^ruff Dear brother I mailed a letter yeste rday stating that I had not Received word of the Exact date of my departure. Buyt the mail to day I Rec the word I asked for your Brother in the Gospel William a. Garrett Jr
Letter from Ephraim Kay, 26 February 1893
Mona Juab Co, . mr. Woodruff in answer to the letter that I received yestarday about going on a mission I will say that I am not an elder and that i do not hold ayny ^any^ part of the preasthood but an Just merely a member of the church and I feel that i anm not able to respond to the call i am uneducated in the gospel and in any thing else. and another reason is that I am in debt now more than I am able to pay I have a debt that has to be paid by the first of may and dont know how I will get means to pay it. I will say in short that Under the circumstances that I am i sure in I will say that I can not go on mo no conditions. I Yours Respectfully Ephraim Kay "nuf sed" J. F. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Feb 26, 1893