Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1893

Journal Entry

February 28, 1893 ~ Tuesday

28. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a sentiment on 50 cards to give my guist [guests] on
my birth Day

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Letter from Charles John Christensen, 28 February 1893

Ephraim Prest. Woodruff Dear Brother: In answer to your letter dated Feb 25th, will say by the help of the Lord I will be ready at the appoin- ted time to performe the mission assigned me according to the best of my abbility Your Brother in the Gospil C. J. Christensen C C N Dorius Bp O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from James Christian Frost, 28 February 1893

Ephraim . Prest. Woodruff, Dear Brother: In answere to your letter dated Feb 25th will say that by the help of the Lord I will be ready at the ap- pointed time, to perform the mission alloted to me, acc- ording to the best of my ability. Your Brother in the Gospel, James Frost. C C N Dorcus Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 28 February 1893

Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff & ^Mrs^ E Woodruff Dear Bro & Sister Woodruff, your kind invitation to attend the anniversary at your Home has been Recd and I reluctantly will have to for go the pleasure of meeting with you on this eventful Occasion on account of My wife severe Illness at this time, you will therefore excuse me on this account wishing you much Joy and plesure in the social gathering and regrets that I cannot be with you and wishing you a return of maney more anniversarys I am Respectfully yours M. W. Merrill

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

& for Party $20, $15 35


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Feb 28, 1893