Day in the Life

Mar 20, 1893

Journal Entry

March 20, 1893 ~ Monday

20 I went to the office & Met with the Salt Lake shore board
Thomas R Cutler called upon us and asked us to help him
to get a loan of $25000 for the sugar factory I had an
interview with Br George Teasdale Mr Murry a Man
connected with a Publishing House wanted to know
about some of your our Doctrins


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Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
710 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
56 mentions


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Letter from Abraham Jorgensen Hansen, 20 March 1893

Spanish Fork President Woodruff Dear Brother I recived your letter some time ago in witch I fiend you have excepet my name as missionary to scandina- via and I shall try to fill that apontment to the best of my abilety you must excuse me for not answering your before because I thought I wood wate a little to see if I could make some araminges to get the nesseray money becaus I have not got very mutch my self but my Brothers have promisest to help me alittle so I think the way will be open I remain your Brother in the gospel Abraham J Hansen O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Abraham Jorgensen Hansen, 20 March 1893

[end upside-down text]

Letter from Brigham Davies, 20 March 1893

Lake Point President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I Received your Letter some time ago. Notifying me of my call to Great Britian But owen to confusion of my call on this Mission and the condition of my family, as I have Quite a large one. I over Looked the answering of your Letter, till I came to Look over it again at this Date. I hope you will Excuse me for not answering sooner, but if all is well, I will try and be at your Office on April 11th to be set appart with the rest of the Brethern for this mission. I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel Brigham Davies I Fully endorse the above statement W. F. Moss. Bp All right J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Emma $6 Coal $11.75 girl $4 21 75


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Mar 20, 1893