Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1893

Journal Entry

March 28, 1893 ~ Tuesday

28 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote to Newton & Sarah & Phebe C Scholes


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
157 mentions
Saville, Phebe Carter Scholes
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
115 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Horatio Hight, 28 March 1893
My dear Mr Woodruff: Allow me to say in way of introduction that I was a native of Scarboro' Maine. In my school boy days, I was intimate with the Carter boys and at one time Wilford Woodruff ^(your son)^ sat in the same seat in school with me. Ezra Carter was a good friend of mine in his life time. Augustus Moulton was, and is, one of my strongest friends. Furthermore in the fall of 1889 I went to Ogden on business, was there for 3 days: went to Salt Lake Saturday night and remained over Sabbath. I then inquired for you and learned you were out of town. Beleive me dear sir: From my observation I found much to admire and saw nothing to condemn in the great system which includes so many people in your community. Now I will state my desires, and in order
Letter from David Holmgren, 28 March 1893
Brigham City, Utah Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: In compliance with the notification of my missionary labor. I'll make an appearence at the Historian's Office the 11th prox, and leave in company with the Euoripian Missionaries the 12th. Pardon my defering this reply until this late day. for 'tis under opposition I've been laboring to gain my point, as Father greatly opposed. Your Brother in the Gospel, David Holmgren, Carl Jensen Bishop good. J. F. S.
Letter from Rouzelle Eugene Scott, 28 March 1893
Provo City . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your letter of the 20th. inst. came to hand in due time. I am willing to accept of the call in regard to a mission to New Zealand, and by the help of our Hea^v^enly Father I will be ready on the date mentioned. Please let me know the date of my departure from Salt Lake City. Your Brother, Rouzelle E. Scott. Evan Wride Bishop All right. J. F. S.


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Mar 28, 1893