Day in the Life

Apr 12, 1893

Journal Entry

April 12, 1893 ~ Wednesday

12. Met at 10 oclok Prayer offerd By A. H Cannon
J D T McAllister spoke 20 M G Q Cannon 7 M, WW 10 M
Afternoon Prayer offered by G. Q. Cannon, J F Smith
spoke 30 M G. Q. Cannon 10 M W. Woodruff 10 M


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
149 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
661 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions

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To the Elders of Mormon Temple I should feel very glad if you could give me any Information concerning the Arborns as there are ten of them out there somewhere they

Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 12 April 1893

New Zealand, . Prest W. Woodruff, Box. B. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Your favor of Feb. 27th came duly to hand. The Elders referred to therein arrived safely, and were present at our Conference, just closed. The two drafts, for £91.12.8, and £10.1.3, came to hand, and were duly forwarded to the Bank. The notice of reduction probably is too late to apply to Elder H. B. Dalling, in Australia, as I had previously sent unto him his fare from the amount on deposit. In relation to the reduction I beg to submit that the amount ^named^ would be sufficient if parties ^were^ sailing from Auckland or Sydney for Salt Lake, but releases most frequently find Elders in their fields of labor, far removed from either of these ports, requiring from £1 to £4 to reach either of them, so that the former allowance left a margin ranging from $£25 to Nil, after necessary hotel expenses, in Auckland & San Francisco, were paid, but, in cases where the returning Elders resided far from Salt Lake and releases found found them at the farthest points from sailing port, even the former allowance was

Temple - Salt Lake Temple dedication ticket, 12 April 1893

Wednesday, . MORNING SESSION. W. Woodruff THE TEMPLE

Letter from Leonard John Nuttall, 12 April 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: In regard to the application of Mrs Lottie Barto[n] [page cut off] widow of the late B. T. Young for remuneration for land deeds to the Manti Temple Association. I have examined the abstract of title of B. T. Young and the papers submitted and find that B. T. Young obtained his Patent for 120 acres of land, dated May 6th 1879, which was filed for Record May 25 He deeded to H. Chariton Jacobs 40 acres for $100000 which was filed for record March 26th 1878. Also deeded to John C. Tatton March 27, 1878, 13 acres for 250.00 filed for record April 6, 1878. Also deeded to Manti City corporation 5 acres for 17500 filed for record Jany 11, 1879 Also deeded to the Trustee-in-Trust, Oct 3, 1878, 22 74/100 acres for 100.00 filed for record Oct 4, 1878. Also deeded to the Trustee-in-Trust Oct 3 [18]78 33 40/100 acres, filed for record Oct 4, 1878. You will see that all these deeds were executed and recorded before the Patent was issued and recorded It appears from the abstract of deeds that B. T. Young received

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 12 April 1893

[end sideways text] WILFORD WOODRUFF, PRESIDENT, KARL G. MAESER, D. L. D., GEN. SUPERINTENDENT, GEO. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Provo, April 12th 1893 President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Having finished the third this year's educational circuit in accordance with previously arranged and approved program, I herewith submit respectfully the observations made of the various visits. Latter day Saints' College. This institiution was visited by me Friday, March 10, during the whole day, during which I attended the class recitations according to the Daily Program, examined the records, and met with the Principal and Teachers in Faculty. Everything was found in excellent condition, and showing very satisfactory progress in all branches. Plan and Program are justiciously arranged, the discipline is exemplary and calculated to carry its influence to the homes of the sudents. The Principal, Prof. Willard Done, enjoys the fullest confidence and support of his Stakes and Local Boards. The College shows a larger attendance than ever before. By arrangement of the Stake Presidency, a normal class for the officers of the Y.L.M.I.A. of the Stake has been conducted by Bro. Done and attended by about fifty ladies, who honored their instructor with a tangible


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Apr 12, 1893