Day in the Life

Apr 15, 1893

Journal Entry

April 15, 1893 ~ Saturday

15 Saturday

Afternoon John Henry Smith Prayed Loreno Snow
spok [blank] F M Lyman [blank] J F Smith [blank]
G Q Cannon [blank]


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
277 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
298 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Temple - Salt Lake Temple dedication ticket, 15 April 1893

Saturday, . MORNING SESSION. W. Woodruff

Discourse 1893-04-06

NO. 17. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, . VOL. XLVI ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The services of the Conference were continued this morning in the upper room of the Temple. The Tabernacle choir sang the an- them: Let all Israel join and sing. (Music by Joseph J. Daynes; choir- isters led by Evan Stephens.) PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF Made brief appropriate remarks and then offered the DEDICATORY PRAYER, as follows: Our Father in heaven, thou who hast created the heavens and the earth, and all things that are therein; [3 Nephi 9:15; Mormon 9:11] thou most glorious One, perfect in mercy, love and truth, we, thy children, come this day before thee, and in this house which we have built to thy most holy name, hum- bly plead the atoning blood of thine Only Begotten Son, that our sins may be remembered no more against us for- ever, but that our prayers may ascend unto thee and have free access to thy throne, that we may be heard in thy holy habitation. And may it graciously please thee to hearken unto our peti- tions, answer them according to thine infinite wisdom and love, and grant that the blessings which we seek may be bestowed upon us, even a hundred fold, inasmuch as we seek with purity of heart and fulness of purpose to do thy will and glorify thy name. We thank thee, O thou Great Elo- heim, that thou didst raise up thy ser- vant, Joseph Smith, through the loins of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and made him a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and through the assistance and administra- tions of angels from heaven, thou didst enable him to bring forth the Book of Mormon—the stick of Joseph, in the hand of Ephraim,—in fulfillment of the prophecies of Isaiah and other Prophets, which record has been translated and published in many languages. [Ezekiel 37:19-22] We also thank thee, our Father in heaven, that thou didst inspire thy servant and give him power on the earth to organize thy Church in this goodly land, in all its fulness, power, and glory, with Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, and Teachers, with all the gifts and graces belonging there- to, and all this by the power of the Aaronic and Melchisedec Priesthood, which thou didst bestow upon him by the administration of holy angels, who held that Priesthood in the days of the Savior. We thank thee, our God, that thou didst enable thy servant Joseph to build two temples, in which ordinances were administered for the living and the dead; that he also lived to send the Gospel to the nations of the earth and to the islands of the sea, and labored exceedingly until he was martyred for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. We also thank thee, O our Father in heaven, that thou didst raise up thy servant Brigham Young, who held the keys of thy Priesthood on the earth for many years, and who led thy people to these valleys of the mountains, and laid the corner stone of this great Temple and dedicated it unto thee, and who did direct the building of three other tem- ples in these Rocky Mountains which have been dedicated unto thy holy name, in which temples many thousands of the living have been blessed and the dead redeemed. Our Father in heaven, we are also thankful to thee for thy servant John Taylor, who followed in the footsteps of thy servant Brigham, until he laid down his life in exile. Thou hast called thy servants Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith, to hold the keys of the Presidency and Priesthood this day, and for these shepherds of thy flock we feel to give thee thanksgiving and praise. Thy servant Wilford is bound to acknowledge thy hand, O Father, in the preservation of his life from the hour of his birth to the present day. Nothing but thy power could have preserved him through that which he has passed during the eighty-six years that thou hast grant- ed him life on the earth. For the raising up of the Twelve Apostles, we also thank Thee, our God, and for the perfect union which exists among us. We thank thee, O Lord, for the perfect organizations of thy Church as they exist at the present time. O Lord, we regard with intense and indescribable feelings the completion of this sacred house. Deign to accept this the fourth temple which thy covenant children have been assisted by thee in erecting in these mountains. In past ages thou didst inspire with thy Holy Spirit thy servants, the Prophets, to speak of a time in the latter days when the mountain of the Lord's house should be established in the top of the moun- tains and should be exalted above the hills. [Isaiah 2:2] We thank thee that we have had the glorious opportunity of contributing to the fulfillment of these visions of thine ancient seers, and that thou hast condescended to permit us to take part in the great work. And as this portion of thy servants' words has thus so mar- velously been brought to pass, we pray thee, with increased faith and renewed hope, that all their words with regard to thy great work in gathering thine Israel and building up thy kingdom on earth in the last days may be as amply fulfilled, and that, O Lord, speedily. We come before thee with joy and thanksgiving, with spirits jubilant and hearts filled with praise, that thou hast permitted us to see this day for which, during these forty years, we have hoped, and toiled, and prayed, when we can dedicate unto thee this house which we have built to thy most glorious name. One year ago we set the capstone with shouts of Hosanna to God and the Lamb. And today we dedicate the whole unto thee, with all that pertains unto it, that it may be holy in thy sight; that it may be a house of prayer, [Doctrine and Covenants 109:16] a house of praise and of worship; that thy glory may rest upon it, that thy holy presence may be continually in it; that it may be the abode of thy Well-Beloved Son, our Savior; that the angels who stand before thy face may be the hallowed messengers who shall visit it, bearing to us thy wishes and thy will, that it may be sanc- tified and consecrated in all its parts holy unto thee, the God of Israel, the Almighty Ruler of mankind. And we pray thee that all people who may enter upon the threshold of this, thine house, may feel thy power and be constrained [t]o acknowledge that thou hast sanctified it, that it is thy house, a place of thy holiness. [Doctrine and Covenants 109:13] We pray thee, Heavenly Father, to accept this building in all its parts from foundation to capstone, with the statue that is on the latter placed, and all the finials and other ornaments that adorn its exterior. We pray thee to bless, that they decay not, all the walls, partitions, floors, ceilings, roofs and bridging, the elevators, stairways, railings, and steps, the frames, doors, windows, and other openings, all things connected with the lighting, heating and sanitary apparatus, the boilers, engines, and dynamos, the connecting pipes and wires, the lamps and burners, and all utensils, furniture and articles used in or connected with the holy ordinances administered in this house, the veils and the altars, the baptismal font and the oxen on which it rests, and all that pertains thereto, the baths, washstands and basins. Also the safes and vaults in which the records are preserved, with the records them-

Letter from Mary J. Morrison, 15 April 1893

^President^ Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother please pardon the intrusion on your valuable time, but as I have four Brothers and a Father who are thinking to go to the Big Horn country in Wyoming, I felt anxious to know what the counsel was from you They say your son is going from Ashley Fork and many I beleive go quicker on that account, A man from Ashley said last night that property had went down one half since he ^your son^ started to sell. My Father wanted me to write to

Letter from Mrs. J. A. Semple, 15 April 1893

President Woodruff. Honored Sir, I take the liberty of addressing you a few tims to ask if it is possible to secure a permit from you for my husband, son and two daughters and myself to visit the interior of your splendid Temple. Our home is Denver. We are visiting our daughter, but shall soon return. My husband is, or was an old Railroad officer in Ohio. We can furnish the best of reference


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Apr 15, 1893