Day in the Life

Jun 2, 1893

Journal Entry

June 02, 1893 ~ Friday

2 I went to the office & gave to John Jaques $744.40
to make my first Payment on Paving the Road on
the East Side of the Valley House I wrote a letter
A hand pointing to the right to J C Hatch


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900


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On Sunday the 7 of May ^April 30^ when I lay at the point of Death and was breathing my Last No one thought I would Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the Lord saved my life for a little Longer
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Telegram from William Johnson Lebaron, 2 June 1893

RECEIVED at 203p Dated Tempa A T To Prest W Woodruff Box B Is there any truth in the press dispatches in regard to my brother B F Lebaron being killed in the south J Lebaron over

Letter from James Thomas, 2 June 1893

Idaho Falls, Idaho. . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro your Letter of Notifation to hand, in Reply Will say that all Being Well, I Will Be in the City to Leave With the Company of Missionerys on August 12th. I am greatfull to the Lord, For your Continued improvment in health, as I have Been informed. I Remain your Bro in the Gospel James Thomas Bp Eagle Rock Ward All right. J. F. S. [sideways text] James Thomas June 2nd 1893 [end of sideways text]

Letter from Jerome Everand Page, 2 June 1893

Independence Mo . President Wilford Woodruf Salt Lake City Dear Sir, if it is a fact that four of the Elders of your church have been foully deldt with I am at your service, for one year or five till every one of the human devels is brought to justice. all it will cost you is my expences in the matter. if this meets with your approval send me a letter of introduction stating that I am in your employ signed officialy by yourself, and my expenses, and I will go to work at once I am a sone of John E Page of your Church pleas to keep privat as posable

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Owen sundries $18 girl 3 M A $4.00 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for pavig West Temple St 745 40


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Jun 2, 1893