Day in the Life

Jun 3, 1893

Journal Entry

June 03, 1893 ~ Saturday

3 I went to the city with Emma & done some traidng


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions


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On Sunday the 7 of May ^April 30^ when I lay at the point of Death and was breathing my Last No one thought I would Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the Lord saved my life for a little Longer
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Telegram from George Albert Smith, 3 June 1893

RECEIVED at 1225 D SALT LAKE, UTAH. Dated Chattanooga Tenn 3 To President Wilford Woodruff nothing definite yet answers to telegrams indication safety of elders Geo A Smith

Letter from Alfred Osmond, 3 June 1893

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I shall be in Salt Lake City in time to start for my field of labor at the yo time you have appointed. Your brother truly, Alfred Osmond. Wm Hulme Bishop good. J. F. S.

Letter from Charles Fredrik Rytting, 3 June 1893

Grantsville Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I feel honerd In reciving the call to go on Mission, and will say that am willing to go, and will be ready at the time appointed, and I hope that any obstacles will not hinder me from going; I feel Humble before the Lord; and If I am worthy to be cald to work for him I am willing to spend the time and trust In the Lord. Your Brother In the Gospel. Chas F. Rytting. all right J. F. S.

Letter from John Granger Young, 3 June 1893

Salt Lake City President Woodruff, Salt Lake. Dear Brother: I will be ready to start for New Zealand atn the date mentioned in you letter, and will use every energy I posess so that with the help of the Lord I may be able to fill an honorabl mission. I am your brother in the Gosple, John G. Young. Joseph Warburton Bishop All right J. F. S.

Letter from Stephen Pierce Gheen, 3 June 1893

St Charles June th[e] 3rd, [18]93. President Woodruff. Dear Brother, after hesitating for three or 4 days I will endavor to answer your unexpected letter that that has recientely ben received, & in reply will say, I will go if I live & keep up but the thots of the Mission has almost used me up, but to leave as early a date as Oct 10, would leave me in a verry bad condition or rather my folks probeley it would not be a miss to state I have ben married three years next month & my wife never has had, any

Letter from Orson Smith, 3 June 1893

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro At a meeting of the High Council of the Cache Stake held last evening it was unanimously decided to reccommend [redacted text] of the Paradise Ward to you for restoration to membership in the Church. He was cut off in 1886 for adultry His first wife died prior to the act and he married the girl who was a partner to the crime. she has since died and to all appearances he has repented and is sincere in his desire to get rebaptized. With kind regards I am Your Brother Orson Smith Prest

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

^^ Newman Vanleuven & Ema Adalade Vanleuven paid for Divorce 10


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Jun 3, 1893