Day in the Life

Jun 7, 1893

Journal Entry

June 07, 1893 ~ Wednesday

7. I spent the day in the office I met with Zions savings
board we voted to declair a Dividend of 8 per cent


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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 7 June 1893
Logan Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro the inclosed Note is written by the Eldest son of Isaac Shepard who desires to have the Familey Living & dead sealed to their Parents. This Isaac Shepard of whome He speaks is His Father, and was one of the earley settlers of Utah was on the salmon river Mission and was accused while on that Mission of being to intimate with one of the Dau ghters of Laman (a squaw) but of this charge I know Nothing, but He apostatized and went to California and was cut off from the Church in Richmond Ward Cache Co by instructions, while I was Bishop of that ward, He was Buried in Navada Carson Valley and some time after His Burial, His sons went and brought the Body to Richmond and reintered it. Now this son Justin wants His work done that is rebaptised and Former Blessing Ordinations &c sealed upon Him again, and then have the Fameley sealed to their Parents &c I have told Bro Justin Shepard (the son) that would be as you directed, if you so direct we will do the works for them Respectfully M. W. Merrill
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid Druggest Bill $125
Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 7 June 1893
Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, Prest Woodruff and Councillars Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethern I wish to get your mind or councill on the fallowin On my arival home from conference the Last day of April, on The first Saturday in May was our regular Priesthood meeting. The Question was asked about our young Brethern joining the Odd Fellows and Masons (during our visit to conference) Some of the Outsid Element had established a Lodge of I. O. O. F. some 5 of our young Brethern joining Hence the Question. I answered that the possition was inconsistant especially with those had received their endowments. Some of the Brethern spoke in regard to the Prophet Joseph being a mason and thought their was no harm attached in replying to them I said Yes the Prophet was a mason as I understood, but under the Pledge of Masonary he was murdered with his Brother This Marning a Gentelman came to see me in regard to establishing

Jun 7, 1893