Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1893

Journal Entry

June 08, 1893 ~ Thursday

8 A hand pointing to the right In company with J F Smith & several of the Twelve
Apostles I occupied the Private car of Mr Wilby who
is the general Manager of the D & R G R R and went
out to Saaltair Beach Pavillion at the General opening
opening there were about 10000 People at that
Pavillion to day speaches were mad B[y] Gov West
Wm H Smith & C C Goodwin & Prest W Woodruff
Declaired the Pavilion opened to the Public I think
they collected near $5000 some of the family did
not get home untill Midnight Prest George Q Canon
started for London to Day with H. J. Grant on a
Mission to gather some funds


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

West, Caleb Walton
25 May 1844 - 25 Jan 1909
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
275 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions
Smith, William H.
abt. 1833-before 1917


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Letter from Erick E Hanson, 8 June 1893
To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brethren Yours of the 2nd inst asking if my feelings and circumstances would be ag- reeable to taking a mission to Mani- toba, is received. In answer I would say that I am uncertain, as to whether I am the man intended, as I am not an El- der, only holding the office of a Dea- con. I think there must be some mistake, as the letter is addressed to Elder Erick Hanson. I am at a loss to know who who would rec- commend me, as I feel that I have been very slack in my duties. Before stating what I will do, I would like to know if there is no mistake I Remain Yours &c Erick Hanson Let us find out the fact in this case, if possible, and then act accordingly J. F. S.
Letter to W. S. Burton, 8 June 1893
W. S. BURTON, Treasurer of Y. M. M. I. A., please pay M. H. Hardy or order the sum of Seven hundred and fifty Dollars ($750.00), and charge the account of Normal Training Course for Academic Year 1892 and 1893. Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith [M]oses Thatcher
Letter from M. Rogers, 8 June 1893
Dear Sir In a letter which Mr Catling (the Editor of "Lloyds Weekly London Newspaper") writes from Salt Lake City, he says some of the old pioneers & first settlers of 1847 are still living in Salt Lake City including a certain blacksmith who has followed his trade from the first. Can you kindly give me names & addresses of 3 or 4 of them including the old blacksmith

Jun 8, 1893