Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1893

Journal Entry

July 10, 1893 ~ Monday

10 I spent the day at the office I met with Legrand Young
& F. D. Richards upon our water suit I met with
sever[al] of the Brethren upon a variety of subjects


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921


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Letter from William Henry Carbine, 10 July 1893
Parker First Presidency Dear Brethren I received your call to attend the Sunday School Normal Course. And I will accept it with pleasure should nothing serious happen to hinder. Your Bro. in the Gospel, Wm. H. Carbine
Letter from Francis Webster Jr., 10 July 1893
Cedar City July 10th 1893 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter calling me on a mission to the Northen States In answer will say I feel my unworthiness also my inability to fill a mission But by the help of the Lord I will go and do the best I can Very Respectfully Francis Webster Jr William H Corry Bp This is good. J. F. S.
Letter to Charles C. Bonney, circa 1893
IMPROVEMENT ERA. When, however, the fair was opened in the summer of 1893, and Utah people visited the Exposition and found that nearly every other religious denomination had its special booth in one of the main exposition buildings—the Liberal Arts Building—and was set- ting forth its educational, missionary and other achievements to the millions who visited the fair, letters began to pour into the Church headquarters, and to the Salt Lake papers, expressing regret that nothing had been done to represent the Mormon Church and its achievements. These letters awakened an interest in the sub- ject which the efforts of the writter had failed to do; and as a result an effort was made to secure both representation in the main Exposition and the Parliament of Religions. The interest which the writer had manifested in this subject a year or two before, was perhaps at this point remembered, and he received an appointment from the First Presidency of the Mormon Church to represent it in this matter, and under instructions pro- ceeded to Chicago to see what could be done. The promoters of the Parliament of Religions had failed for some cause to send any literature, or any invitation whatever, to the authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to participate in that great world's gathering; and accordingly after it had been determined to get representation for the Church in the Parliament, the following letter was addressed to Mr. Charles C. Bonney: DEAR SIR: Our attention has recently been called to the importance of the World's Congress of all religions to be held at the World's Fair in Chicago during the month of September. We are given to understand that an invitation is extended to all denominations of Christians and to all re- ligions of the earth to meet "in friendly conference, * * * not for debate, but to speak of what are to them the supreme truths, and to show the relation of these truths to the practical problems of modern life. In a word to illustrate their own religion and show its value to believers and to the world." Appreciating the value and importance of such a parliament as this is set forth to be, we are solicitous that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be represented; and present for the considera- tion of the eminent religionists who will in this Congress be assembled,


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Jul 10, 1893