Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1893

Journal Entry

July 11, 1893 ~ Tuesday

11. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to F. S. Richards & Legrand Young
& to Brother Wadell. I met with Joseph F Smith & the


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4145 mentions
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921

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Letter from Rufus R. Wilson, 11 July 1893
52 Lafayette Place New York . Dear Sir: I have been commissioned by a number of leading journals to prepare an article on "The Longevity of Noted Americans," and the reasons therefor, and it would greatly aid me in my purpose if you would kindly give brief answers to the follwing questions: 1. Were you strong or delicate in youth, and how much of that period of your life did you spend in the open air? {[Strong] in youth; spent most the time in the open air} 2. Was your health favorably influenced by any special manner of living while young? {Regular diet consisted of plain food; worked hard on farm and in flouring mill} 3. What changes in your daily habits did you make on the approach of a ripe old age? {None particularly, excepting that I did not work so hard, but I work all the same} 4. What have been your recreations in recent years? {None excepting fishing} 5. How long do you sleep? lie in bed about 8 hours 6. What are your habits with regard to taking food? {Meals 3 times a day; [illegible shorthand] the [pleasure] of a good potato I enjoy all kinds of food} 7. To what reason do you primarily ascribe your healthy old age (in which may God long preserve you)? {An honest and industrious life; retire early and rise early, with the blessing of Almighty God. [illegible shorthand]} Many noted men and women have already favored me with answers to the above, and, as my projected paper would be incomplete without a reference to you, I sincerely hope you will do the same. I AM ESPECIALLY ANXIOUS FOR AN ANSWER TO THE SEVENTH AND LAST QUESTION. An early answer will greatly oblige. Yours respectfully, Rufus R Wilson Mr. Wilford Woodruff
Letter from Solomon Walker, George Eyre, and William Wood, 11 July 1893
To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints Dear Brethren under Existing Circumst ancis we have felt that it would be wise, to make an appeal to you for aid, in the matter of Putting in & rebuilding our resorvoire Dam. Some few years Back we Built a dam at the point Knowne as the rocky ford 5 1/2 miles East of our little town; and in doing this we was also Compelld to Construct a new road for public Conveniance & travel which was a grade for a destance of a Mile & a half Costing Our Coamunity Something like 7000 dollars ^for dam & road^. Our dam Stayed in a sufficient length of time so we
Letter from George Teasdale, 11 July 1893
Dear President Woodruff: I feel quite dis- appointed I could not be in the city as I had proposed to when I left there. But, I presume, you would not wish me to leave here at present, under the circum- stances. Since my return I have had quite an experience, but not quite so pleasant as my experience in SUtah during my last visit. It seemed from the time I struck Deming, the worry began and I have had my hands full ever since. I enclose you a copy of a letter I wrote Bp. W. D. Johnson in answer to one he wrote me stating that Bro. Jno. W. Young had telegraphed him that he (Jno W) had arranged matters so as to obtain a loan on his lands on the Casas Grandes river, and for W. D. Johnson and J. E. Young to go immediately to London. Bp. Johnson asked me what should he do & as he did not wish to do anything in the matter without my sanction, I gave him my views, as enclosed copy of letter, and he, Bp. Johnson, sent a copy of it to Jno. W. and J. Fewson Smith, the engineer at Deming, N. M. Then J. Fewson Smith wrote


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Jul 11, 1893