Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1893

Journal Entry

July 13, 1893 ~ Thursday

123 I went to the office Met with several Gentlemen
I met with senator Puffer from Kansas A plesant Gentleman
I Also Met with Hon Joseph E Washington Reprentives [Representative]
from Tennessee He seemed a frendly man I met with
Z.C.MI Board & voted to Declair a Dividend of 2 1/2 perct


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Letter from Ezra J. Howell, 13 July 1893
Fish Haven, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother In answer to the call I have received to fill a mission to the Northern States. I can say I am willing to go and try and fill my mission to the best of my ability and I am much in kneed of the blessing of the Lord to help me with this mMission for I am very weak of my self. But will put my time and what little I have learned of the Gospel of GChrist in spreding it among the People I will be in Salt Lake City at the appointed time, ^July^ 16th 1893. ever praying for health & the Sp^i^rit of God to be with me, I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Ezra J. Howell. Bp John. Stock. All right.
Letter from William Henry Thompson, 13 July 1893
Pres Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours of the 26 of June 1893. I Received the Night of the 3rd of July. It had been Received to home in Due Time, but me being away on Business Did not Receive It untill the above Date. And would of answered before but Other Business Controled. but will say I am dooing all that Lays in my Power to Comply With Your Desire, and am making Calculations Leave San Francisco on the Date appointed Aug 17. 1893 for the San- dwich Islands? Sorry to say that our Bishop is not at Home nor Councselors so I Can't Get them to Endorce. I Beg to Remain Your Brother in the Gospell Wm. H. Thompson Over


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Jul 13, 1893