Day in the Life

Jul 14, 1893

Journal Entry

July 14, 1893 ~ Friday

14. I spent the day in the office and met with
many Persons


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Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 14 July 1893
Presidents W. Woodruff and Counselors Salt Lake City, Utah. U. S. A. Dear Brethren, Elders J. M. Hendry, J. M. Hixson, J. G. Nelson and Ewd. Atkins having performed a good faithful mission in this land have been honorably released and will leave tomorrow per "S. S. Monowai" for Zion. [sideways text] ^2 more Elders^ [end of sideways text] In addition to the two companies of Elders sent for, if Two more could be sent direct to Australia, ^in Sept. or Oct.^ it would aid very much in the work there, as a spirit of enquiry is being aroused there as well as in other parts of the mission. The wall of prejudice & intolerence, which have so long stood between the servants of God and the hearts of the people, seem of late to be crumbling away. The impartial accounts, published throughout this part of the world, of the Salt Lake Temple and its dedication have contributed no little to this end. I have recently learned that Elder Jas S. Abbott, of Annabella Sevier Co. Utah, who landed here in Oct 6th 1892. And of whose coming I was duly notified, received his endowments in the Manti Temple, July 22nd of that year. Afterwards or Aug 18th he married a wife at Hinckley by Bp Pratt of that
Letter from James Clair Hacking, 14 July 1893
Pres. W. Woodruff: Dear Bro, I take pleasure in encloseing you the names of three of our most energetic, and examplery S. S. Workers who will take the 20 weeks course, beginning after the Halodays. They have all been thourou- ghly consulted Thomas Bingham, Vernal, J. P. Budy, [Vernal,] Abraham Goodrich [Vernal,] Success to the S. S. Your Bro, Jas Hacking P.S. Pres Bennion approves of these names or bretheren.
Letter from Joseph Francis Thomas, 14 July 1893
MANASSA, COLO., Pres't Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I am just in receipt of a letter stating that my name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to attend the Sunday School Normal Course beginning at Provo August 21st 1893. and asking me to state my feelings in reference to the Call. As I do not know what statement, of myself or affairs has been sent in, nor indeed, whether any statement at all, I will endeavor to state in as brief a manner as I am able my situation and feelings with reference thereto. As will appear by my letter head, I am a member of the Board of Commissioners of this County. (I believe you call them "Selectmen" in Utah) having filled one term -1888-91 and re-elected 1891-, term expires 1894 in January. It will be necessary for me to return home in september to attend to the business of the


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Jul 14, 1893