Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1895

Journal Entry

December 15, 1895 ~ Sunday

15 Sunday I went to Claras & to Joseph Daynes house whare
he & Blanche is going to Live it is a good comfortable home


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions
Daynes, Joseph John (Jr.)
7 Nov 1873 - 19 Sep 1963
22 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions

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Letter from Frank Knetchel Seegmiller, 15 December 1895

Snowflake, A. T., . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Box B. Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Yours of 23 ult., calling me to take a mission to the Southern States has been received. I had made quite extensive preparations toward attending College next year, and had gone so far as to select the University I was going to attend in connection with Bro. B. A. Perkins of the L. D. S. College. The call was therefore a very great surprise to me, but with me in this as in all matters where my future welfare, and in a miniature way the welfare of Zion, are at stake I feel to risk myself in the hands of the Almighty, for I feel unless the call had been inspired by him it would never

Letter from John Hesketh Riley, 15 December 1895

To the President Wilford Woodruff Dear President I take the pleasure in writing to you again as it is 1 year and 13 Days since I wrote to you but recived no answer from you I see from the star Dated 20 Nove [18]95 Discourst by you also in page 742 on 28 Nove [18]95 in star I think it is quite marvelous that such a gentlemen should be blessed as you are which it is a grate pleasure to me to read about you I am quite sure the saints will quite Rejoice to hear you preach. Dear President I am please to tell you that I never reget the Day when I went into the Water of Baptizom on 13 Nove [18]91 by Elder T L Beach it was a grate Blesing that Elder T L Beach showed me the Principles of the Gosple of the Latter Days Saints also I am well please with our cousins Elder Samuel Gerrard I think Trufly that God as blessed our cousin and he will Bless all of us if we will put our Trust in him: Dear President I hope you will excused me for Trespassing on your to write to you as I tould you on 2 Dec [18]94 the way I was living also about our cousins in your lands also I ask you to grant me Elder Samuel Gerrard for 2 or 3 months to labour hear to help me in building up the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterd Days saints I have had our cousin to Lancaster last april for 28 Days which I was well please with him as I wrote to President J Duckworth of 31 Mancaster Rd Preston to alowed our cousin a month with us

Letter from Read Tenney Cannon, 15 December 1895

S. L. City, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Brother; Your request of the 12/6, for me to start in June 1896, on a mission to Germany I hasten to accept. I have started preparing my- self by way of learning the language and reliev- ing myself of other studdies in order to lay special stress on my theology. I wish to mention the timidity I feel in accepting and would beg the privililgeedge of further advice concerning my actions, should you see the necessity. I am, Your Humbel Servant; Read T. Cannon. H F. Burton Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Circular to the YMMIA, 15 December 1895

SALT LAKE CITY, . To the Officers and Members of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations throughout Zion: Dear Brethren—There have already been issued and distributed among the Stakes of Zion 17,500 copies of the Mutual Improvement Association Manual, Part I, and still there is a de- mand for this work for use among new members of these associations. There is also a call for a compilation of ad- vanced lessons of Manual, Part II, which have been and will continue to be published in the Contributor. Through the failure of the young men in paying their annual fifty cent donations the General Superintend- ency are unable to publish and distrib- ute free these works, upon which the success of the associations so greatly depends. Under the pressing circumstances it is deemed advisable to secure the pub- lication of a new edition of Manual, Part I, and a pamphlet containing twelve lessons in each of the subjects planned for Manual, Part II. The Contributor Co., therefore, act- ing under our approval and advice, will issue another edition of Part I of the Manual, which they will sell the associations at twenty-five cents (25c.) per copy postpaid, with reasonable re- duction in quantities. They will also issue for the use of the associations which have completed Part I, and need some more advanced studies, a pamphlet containing the first twelve (12) lessons in each of the subjects planned for Part II. This will be sold at fifteen cents (15c.) per copy, postpaid. Both of these pamphlets will be on sale at the Contributor Office, Salt Lake City, where they can be ob- tained at any time after December 26, 1894. We hope the young men will take an interest in these lessons and pur- chase them regularly, thus acquiring a fund of information which will be use- ful to them in the ministry, either at home or abroad. Your Brethren in the Gospel, WILFORD WOODRUFF, JOSEPH F. SMITH, MOSES THATCHER.


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Dec 15, 1895