Day in the Life

Dec 16, 1895

Journal Entry

December 16, 1895 ~ Monday

16 we Met with Brother Penrose & talked to him about going into
the Historians office to work in compilation of the History
which has been lying still without compilation for many
years I met with the board of Z. C. M. I. I met with Br
Reed Smoot on Account of a case Repeated from the H. C.
by the name of Charles Monk And with Brother Preston
about Debts Due ofn the B Y Academy of Provo


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1 mention
Penrose, Charles William
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
Smoot, Reed, b. 1862
10 Jan 1862 - 9 Feb 1941
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908


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Estate Papers - Check stub, 16 December 1895

Date Payee Albert Smith Meat for Oct & Nov No. 24

Letter from Alfred Kearl, 16 December 1895

Lake town Pres Woodruff Dear brother It was very un- expected to me that I should be called as late a date as April I would much sooner leave for my mission in January when the other elders go for two reasons first, because I was attending College at Logan when I received the call after which I returned home because I ^was^ almost positive you would sentd me toat a earlier date then April through which my school year is brocken; secondly if I leave in January I will become climated before warm weather comes on

Letter from Perry Freeman Durfee, 16 December 1895

Grantsville Dec. 16th, [18]95 Willford Woodruff: Dear Brother In relation to the call recieved to take a mission to the Northeren States I will say I accept the call and will be on hand

Letter from Jens Christian Madsen, 16 December 1895

Manti Dec 16 [18]95 Pres Willford Woodruff Dear Brother In Reply to yours of the 3th Will say i ame not prepared to tacke a mission at prisant as my afares is not in such shape that i could Leve now my Wife has ben under Treatment for ninen months and my Boys are not old anuf to Doe the Woork that should be done to saport the Family My older Boy is only 14 years of ages and i think this is the hardest time to Leve them as the are to yung to teand to my Woork and to old to Run in the streets

Letter from James Goble West, 16 December 1895

Heber City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your kind favour off Date Dec 7th came safe to hand in Regards to the call for A mission to Great Britain I Except it with the greates off Pleasure and with the of help off my heavenly father I will be into Salt Lake City at the historians office at your apointed time your Brother and fellow Laborer for the cause of truth James G. West R. S. Duke Bp of ward over

Letter from Lars Peter Christensen, 16 December 1895

Preston, Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your favor or 3rd Inst. came duley to hand asking me to be prepaired to start on a mission to Scandinavia as early as Jan. 25, 1895, and in reply will say I feel pleased & highley favored to be counted worthy to go on a mission to the nations of the earth & am perfectly willing to accept the call, but I desire to relate my circumstances & then leave the matter entirely with you. Several years ago I bought a farm here upon which I have built my house & all I have is the land & improvements & property located on said land, & as yet I have been unable to get a deed, & it has been in litagation for several years & will have to be settled by the courts & the matter cannot be

Letter from Peter Peterson, 16 December 1895

Lajara President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I receved your letter a fue days ago which wos quite unexpected I will state my condition my Wife Died about a year and a half ago and left me with 3 smoll children so I would prefir waiti ng for a while if it could be so aranged, and feal like I could go later on but would prefir going whare I could use the inglish Languege as I am very backwerd in the danish

Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur, 16 December 1895

Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres't. D. D. McArthur, St George Stake. At a meeting of the First Presidency and Council of Apostles held on Thursday, Oct. 31st, 1895, the following decissions were reached, and are ^n^ow presented for the guidance of Presidents of Stakes, Bishops and their associate officers, and all whom they may concern. The second question was: At which of the meetings of the saints should persons guilty of unchastity be required to make confession—at the gen- eral meeting of the members of the ward, at the fast meeting, or the month- ly priesthood meeting? It was the mind of the Council that the regulation of confessions in such cases should be left to the Bishopric of the ward in which the wrong doing occurs: and that each case be considered on its merits, and disposed of according to the publicity which has been given to it. For instance, where people guilty of adultery or fornication con- fess their sin, and their transgression is known on-ly to themselves, the confession should not be made public. But where publicity has been given t^o^ it, the confession should be made before the priesthood of the ward at the regular monthly priesthood meeting; or, if it be deemed advisable by the Bishopric that a still more public confession should be made, it shall mea^n^ that the confession shall be made at the monthly fast meeting (which meet- ings are attended almost, if not, exclusively by church members), and that in no case shall confessions be made at the regular Sunday services. The object of this restriction is to confine the confession as much as possible to the circle acquainted with the wrong doing, and to avoid sprea^d^- ing the knowledge of sin, according to the revelation, which says (Doc. & Cov. Sec. 42, 89) that such things "shall be done in a meeting, and that not before the world." As a rule, therefore, where the knowledge of transgression is known to but a few, the confession (if required to be made at all) should be made at the priesthood meeting, and only in such cases where the offence has become a public scandal and reproach to the church should the more pub- lic confession be required. We are, Your Brethren, (Signed) WILFORD WOODRUFF. GEORGE Q. CANNON. JOSEPH F. SMITH.

Letter from Emily Frankland, 16 December 1895

Prisedt Woodruff Dear Brother I have wrote to you for a little information. is it right for Gentiles to be members of our Church Choir I remain your sister in the gospel Emily Frankland

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

paid Emma for Blanche 50


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Dec 16, 1895