Day in the Life

Jul 19, 1897

Journal Entry

July 19, 1897 ~ Monday

July 19th I slept well after 11 oclock last night and am better for it this
morning. Bro Nuttall came at 1030 am. with Judge Kinney our greeting was
mutual & we both wept. As soon as I could speak, I said "Judge Kinney you
have done more for the Mormon people in your official capacity, than all the
Federal officials sent here by the government." He thanked me and said he
had always endeavoured to do his duty as he understood it. We had a
pleasant conversation for an hour when we parted expecting to meet again.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Kinney, John Fitch
2 Apr 1816 - 16 Aug 1902
39 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
418 mentions

Related Documents

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Letter from Otto Rohner, 19 July 1897
Paris Idaho. July the 19 97. Wilford Woodruff Dear. Brother! I feel somewhat suprised to be called to take a mission in a faren [foreign] Land. But however if it is the will of the Lord that ^I^ shall work
Letter from Richard Marcellus Robinson, 19 July 1897
Grantsville President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in anwre to yours of the 15th will say that I know of nothing to prevent me from going And preforming to the best of my ability the mishon asined unto me and will be ^to^ the office on the day apointed to be set apart very Respectfulley your Brother in the gospel R. M. Robinson Bro. Woodruf I can with pleasure recommend Bro. Robinson as being worthy of the call made upon him your Bro. in Gosple James L. Wrathall Bishop Grantsville
Letter from Mark Elisha Kartchner Jr., 19 July 1897
Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, The call, I honor and except, and, will be ready to start on the 16th of Sept. unless some thing unavoidable happens, Your Brother, M. E. Kartchner Jr. P M Wentz Bishop Timpanogos Ward


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Jul 19, 1897