Day in the Life

Jul 20, 1897

Journal Entry

July 20, 1897 ~ Tuesday

July 20th This is the first day of the proceedings for the celebration of
the anniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers into the valley of the Great Salt
Valley, great preparations were made. I rested well last night and
drove to the stand erected near the B Y. monument where most of the ceremonies of the
day are to be held. After the firing of cannon &c the ceremonies commenced. I
had prepared a prayer but not being able to deliver it, Bro Orson F. Whitney did so for
me. During the proceedings I unveiled the monument amid acclamations
of the people. I also attended the proceedings at the Tabernacle in the afternoon
and received a beautiful bagold badge, as did also all the surviving pioneers of 1847.
There was also a grand concert at the Tabernacle this evening. I did not attend
as I was very tired & feeble. Madam Mountford arrived this morning.
Bro Nuttall staid with me tonight.


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Letter from David W. Gibson, 20 July 1897
Cedar City Bro. Willford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of July the 9th was duely received but as the Bishop was away from home I did not answer as soon as I received your letter I will try and be in Salt Lake on the date you set ^July^ 18th you made a slite mistake in my name instead of it being David G it is David W From Your Brother in the Gospel David W. Gibson William H. Corry Bp
Letter from William Reese Palmer, 20 July 1897
Cedar City, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Yours of the 15th inst. is to hand and considered. If nothing intervenes over which I have no control; I will try and be ready to take a mission to Indian Territory December the 9th as you request. I, however, feel that you have selected poor material and should any good be accomplished through me, it will be due to the assistance of Him whose cause I am willing to represent. With respect I remain, Your Brother, Wm R. Palmer. William H Corry Bp.
Discourse 1897-07-20
The immense multitude burst into ap- plause as President Woodruff arose, then silence fell again and the honored veteran of ninety years said in clear tones and audible voice while the great multitude was hushed in eager listening, "In the name of God I now unveil this monu- ment,"—and instantly the Stars and Stripes began to unfold and fall away from the granite column, revealing to the people the heroic, bronze figure of the great Pioneer leader Brigham Young.


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Jul 20, 1897