Day in the Life

Jul 21, 1897

Journal Entry

July 21, 1897 ~ Wednesday

July 21st I had a good night, and with my wife Emma & family went
to ZCMI where seats had been prepared so we could view the parade of
the day, which was really grand. After which I was weighed showing 161
lbs. I am very feeble and drove down home, where I rested. Madam
Mountford called at the house this evening and gave me a sample of her
massage treatment. Bro Salmon & Emma were present, being so weak I
felt very tired & did not rest very well during the night.


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Letter from Arthur Ellingford, 21 July 1897

Idaho Falls Idaho, . Presedent Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. In ansuer to your letter dated July 21. I can say that I have accepted the call, you have made upon me, with the best of feelings. And will be their at the time appointed if nothing takes place to stop me your Bro. Arthur Ellingford A. M. Rawson, Bp.

Letter from Arthur Ellingford, 21 July 1897

Letter from Hans Christian Hansen, b. 1848, 21 July 1897

^Pres^ Wilford Wooruff Dear Brother I recd a notice from you a few days ago requiring me to be ready to fill go on a mission to scandinavia by Sept 18th 1897. In reply I will say that I will report my self redady at that time Your Brother in the Gospel H. C. Hanson John G Shields Bishop

Letter from Parke Purdy Starke, 21 July 1897

Richmond, Va. , Mr. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah: Dear Sir, Having read the Book of Mormon, the Doc- trine & Covenants, and other publications in reference to the Latter Day gospel, I am fully satisfied that the work is of God, and desire to unite myself with the cause, through baptism by the properly authorized admin- istrator of the requisite ordi- nances. After reading and consid- ering the doctrines which are advocated, I conclude that after repentance offor sin, and

Letter from Marintha Althera Reeves Snow, 1 July 1897

RECEIV[E]D. JUL 2 1987 ANS'D.....................L. B. FOL......... Brigham City, July 1st [18]97 Editor Juvenile Instructor, Dear Bro. Would you please inform me where it is written concerning the stone box that the gold plates were taken from; that is, how the Lord caused it to sink into the earth, away from those who were digging up the hill in search of treasures. Also can you tell me where it is written about Joseph's visit to the cave containing so many records and the sword of Laban that hung sheathed on the wall and afterwards was lying on a table unsheathed and the words of the angel to Joseph concerning it. I have been asked as a member of the Theological class in our ward to look up these two things asnd as yet I have been unable to find them. I have an


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Jul 21, 1897