Day in the Life

Aug 27, 1897

Journal Entry

August 27, 1897 ~ Friday

Aug 27 I had a fairly good night, and went to the office this morning.
I have misplaced some of my papers and Bro Nuttall & myself examined a portion
of my desk, but did not find them. Let Bro Nuttall have $2500 cash & $5000 Tithing orders
to pay Bro Watson for work on Sarah's house at Provo. Started home at 3 p.m.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter from Andrew Augustus Gibbons, 27 August 1897

Presidant Wifford wWoodruff Dear Brother As I have been called on a Mission I would like to ask one favor. My apointment says for h me to leave Salt Lake on Oct 9th and as I am going to get married and want to take my wife back by team and I have not hardly time, I under- stand that those is a company going to liave on Oct. 23. And if it is a greable I would like to have my time lengthening out un till then If not I will try and be on hand at the desired time. Please let me know as soon as possible. Your brother in the Gospell

Letter from Edward John Clark, 27 August 1897

Letter from Daniel T. Miller, 27 August 1897

Papeete Tahiti, To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Elders Cropper, Chipman, Chamberlin and McGregor have arrived in good health. Elder Chamberlin will leave for Morea tomorrow to open up the work there. Bro. Cropper will take the first vessel for Tubuai Bro Hatch and I leave for Conference tomor- row. Four elders remain at Tahiti. Upon my return tofrom Conference I ^shall^ go to Raiatea with two elders to upen up the work in the Leeward group and from there I shall go to Rarotonga, the principal island of Cook Group, with two elders to begin work in that

Letter from Thomas Jordan Stevens, 27 August 1897

Ogden, Utah, [sideways text] Ans. Aug. 28 [18]97 [end of sideways text] Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Our Treasurer have not received voucher yet to cover the appropriation ($2,80000) made some recently for Weber Stake Academy indebt- edness a/c, he having been instructed by the Presiding Bishop not to pay out any funds in his pocession as tithing clerk untill voucher authorizeing said disburse- ment have been received. Sincerely Your brother Bishop Tho. J. Stevens one of committee

Letter from Brigham Andrus Hendricks, 27 August 1897

Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake Utah Dear Brother, In reply to yours of the 24 inst. will say, I except the call. Your Brother in the Gospel B. A. Hendricks W. H. Lewis Bp


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Aug 27, 1897