Day in the Life

Sep 4, 1897

Journal Entry

September 04, 1897 ~ Saturday

Sept 4th I slept fairly well the latter part of the night and finished
my letter this morning which Elder Nuttall took & mailed for me. I did
not go to the office today.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Charles David Goaslind, 4 September 1897
Preston, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. My Dear President: I am instructed by President Parkinson to remind you that Elder Joseph B. Hawkley of Pocatello is to start on his mission to Oregon on the 15th and that he has not yet been set apart; will you kindly instruct him where and when he camay be set apart, or let President Parkinson know, and we will notify him from here, ever wishing you health and the blessing of God I am sincerely your brother, C. D. Goaslind secy
Letter from John William Ross, 4 September 1897
Joseph First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of LD.S. Dear Brotheren Received yours of the second for which I was anxiously waiting. for Was pleased to find my destination to be the Northern States, as I had never made up my mind for any certain mission for I knew the Lord would call me where I would do the most good. I accept with thanks the mission and will be on hand at the appointed time, if it is the will of the Lord Your Bro. in the Gosple J W Ross
Letter from Charles David Goaslind, 4 September 1897
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah My Dear President: I am instructed by President Parkinson to remind you that Elder Joseph B Hawkley of Pocatello is to start on his mission to Oregon on the 15th and that he has not yet been set apart. will you kindly instruct him where and when he mcayn be set apart, or let President Parkinson know and we will notify him from here. ever wishing you health and the blessing of God I am sincerly your brother C D Goaslind secy


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Sep 4, 1897