Day in the Life

Sep 10, 1897

Journal Entry

September 10, 1897 ~ Friday

Sept 10th arose at "Shoshone." Changed sleeping cars at Glenn's
to car "Messina." had breakfast here, at 845 am. The waiter put up
some lunch of cakes chicken & grapes for us. We toraveled along the
shores of the Snake River much of the time through Lava country. Saw
men mining on the banks of the river. From Glenns Ferry this land is
more fertile. At Nampa they have very fine fruit. arrived at

Huntington at 230 & had dinner, having crossed the Snake River about
1/2 a mile. We are now in Oregon. Passed through Baker City and down
to Grand Rondu Valley, thence through the Timber to Meacham for supper
at 830 pm. I talked with Bro. Nuttall confidentially in regard to some of my
personal affairs for a short time and went to bed.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from John Gottfried Teuscher, 10 September 1897
Montpelier Ida Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, In answer to your let- ter of the 3rd inst in which I am called to go upon a mission to Switzerland and Germany I will say; All being well I shall be on hand to leave Salt Lake City October 16th 1897 ac- cording to the time mentioned in your letter. Your Brother in the Gospel, John G. Teuscher W W Clark Bp Montpelier Ward.
Letter from James Stewart Geddes, 10 September 1897
Preston, Idaho, . BroPres. Wilford Woodruff Salt City Utah. Dear Brother In answer to your favor of 8 ult. Will state that Pres. Parkinson has set the date of my departure to the Oregon Miss- ion on October 1st, and I will be prep- ared to report at the Historian's Office, a few days before the time appointed for my departure. Your Brother in the Gospel James S. Geddes I can heartily indorse the call of Bro. Geddes & reccommend him as one of our best young men. yousrs Bro, in the Gospel W. C. Parkinson Bp.
Letter from Daniel T. Miller, 10 September 1897
Papeete Tahiti To the First Presidency Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: We have been work- ing on Tahiti for one month back. The elders are making an effort to work among the people with out "purse or script". Thus far they have received very kind treatment. This course con't be followed here very successfully so long as the government does not interfere and I apprehend little trouble from that source so long as we attend wisely to our duties. So far as I am able to deter- mine we are making a good impression among the natives


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Sep 10, 1897