Day in the Life

Oct 2, 1897

Journal Entry

October 02, 1897 ~ Saturday

Sat Oct 2nd Spent the day at home.

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Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 2 October 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah. . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I hereby submit to you the synopsis of the statis- tical reports from our Church School Organization for the schoolyear ending June 30, 1897. Schools. According to their number: 13. [According] [to] [their] grades: 3 colleges, 3 highschools, 6 intermediates, and 1 seminary. [According] [to] [their] locality: in Utah 8, in Idaho 4, in Mexico 1. Teachers. [According] [to] [their] numbers: 105 [According] [to] [their] grades: with diplomas 14, with certificates 8, with licenses 83. Classes taught 702. Pupils. [According] [to] [their] number: 2938. [According] [to] [their] religion: highpriests 4, seventies 48, elders 116, priests 167, teachers 188, deacons 657, laymembers 1557, not yet baptized 84, nonmembers 117. [According] [to] [their] homes: in town 1746, within their own state 1035, from outside of their own state 157.


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Oct 2, 1897