Day in the Life

Oct 3, 1897

Journal Entry

October 03, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday Oct 3rd At home this morning and with my family during the day.

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Letter from Daniel Peart, 3 October 1897
Salt Lake City Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Yours of Oct 1, received yesterday. I see my name has been accepted as a Missionary to Colorado. I have never done any spea- king in public and am quiet ign- orent of the Principals of the Gospel. Never the less I feel it is my duty to accept this call and will do my best in making arangements to start from this City January 6th, 1898. Your Brother in the Gospel, Daniel Peart. Henry F. Burton Bishop
Letter from Walter Elmo Cluff, 3 October 1897
Pres. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear President Woodruff:— I have made arrangements to be in Salt Lake prepared to start oj [on] my mission to Colorado on the date mentiojned in your letter, Oct. 14, 1897. Your brother in the Gospel, Walter Cliuff. Provo.


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Oct 3, 1897