were required to meet evry night at sunset for drilling. the
night previous to this the Omahas came upon some Pawnees
who were in the place & fired Arrows upon them they returned
the fire with powder & ball but none killed. we returned to Br Richards & spent the night in his carriage during the day while
the Boat went up the river to cross over the river one of the
Boatman was knocked overboard & was drowning Capt Hewit jumped
overboard to save the the man & thew would have both drowned
had not A Pawnee Jumped into the river & saved them both 14 m[iles]
~ Thursday
15 I spent the day in winter Quarters we rode to the Cold
Springs twice to the mill & other places with Br Richards
during the evening we crossed the river & returned home
by moon light 15 m[iles]
~ Friday
16 I spent the day at home
~ Saturday
17th I spent this day at home preparing my things & stowi- [FIGURE] ng them away in Br Carters house I left with him
my large Box containing my Beding clothing &
A great variety of articles Also A chest filled
with tent cloth Bags, Iron, chains, & sundry articles
A pork Barrel filled with pails Iron ware &c A Buffa-
lo robe trunk tray &c one new Horse harness &c. &c.
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I rode with my family to the Tabernacle
& met with W RichardsO HydeG A. Smith And A con-
gregation of Saints. W Richerds addressed the meeting
& laid his situation & wants before them he wanted oxen
waggons & money to fit him out to go to the mountains
with his Brethren who had gone before him G A Smith
followed him & W. Woodruff & O Hyde upon the subjct
I dined with W Richards at Br Hydes A committee
was appointed to go & obtain means for Br Richards
At the close of the meeting I took the parting hand with
many of the Saints among whom was W Richards
& O Hyde Br Richards Blessetd [me] & said the spirit & pow-
er of God should rest upon me on this mission that
I should say in the end that it was one of the best missions
I ever took that no power should prevail against me
& many other blessings he pronounced upon my head
I then rode to Brother Carters, took Malinda Thomas into
my carriage (who had been labouring for us) & carried her
home on Pigeon Creek 18 miles whole distance 25 m
I spent the danight at Br Strattons
I sold A waggon to Moses Martin for $25 in clothing
~ Tuesday
20th I spent part of the day at home walked to G. A. Smiths
bud did not see him 4 [miles]
~ Wednesday
21st We started on our Journey this day rode 16 miles [FIGURE] & stoped on Silver Creek & camped for the night
were required to meet evry night at sun set for drilling. the
night previous to this the Omahas came upon some Pawnees
who were in the place & fired Arrows upon them they returned
the fire with powder & ball but none killed. we returned to Br
Richards & spent the night in his carriage during the day while
the Boat went up the river to cross over the river one of the
Boatman was knocked overboard & was drowning Capt Hewit jumped
overboard to save the man & thew would have both drowned
had not a Pawnee jumped into the river & saved them both 14 m
~ Thursday
15 I spent the day in winter Quarters we rode to the Cold Springs twice to the mill & other places with Br Richards
during the evening we crossed the river & returned home
by moon light 15 m
~ Friday
16 I spent the day at home
~ Saturday
17th I spent the day at home preparing my things & stowi[FIGURE] ng them away in Br Carters house I left with him
my large box containing my beding clothing &
a great variety of articles also a chest filled
with tent cloth bags, Iron, chains, & sundry articles
a pork barrel filled with pails Iron ware &c a buffalo robe trunk tray &c one new horse harness &c. &c.
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I rode with my family to the Tabernacle
& met with W RichardsO HydeG A. Smith and a congregation of Saints. W Richards addressed the meeting
& laid his situation & wants before them he wanted oxen
waggons & money to fit him out to go to the mountains
with his Brethren who had gone before him G A Smith
followed him & W. Woodruff & O Hyde upon the subjct
I dined with W Richards at Br Hydes A Committee
was appointed to go & obtain means for Br Richards
At the close of the meeting I took the parting hand with
many of the Saints among whom was W Richards
& O Hyde Br Richards blessed me & said the spirit & power of God should rest upon me on this mission that
I should say in the end that it was one of the best missions
I ever took that no power should prevail against me
& many other blessings he pronounced upon my head
I then rode to Brother Carters, took Malinda Thomas into
my carriage (who had been labouring for us) & carried her
home on Pigeon creek 18 miles whole distance 25 m
I spent the night at Br Strattons
~ Monday
19th I returned to Br Carters 18 mile
I sold a waggon to Moses Martin for $25 in clothing
~ Tuesday
20th I spent part of the day at home walked to G. A. Smiths
bud did not see him 4 miles
~ Wednesday
21st We started on our journey this day rode 16 miles
[FIGURE] & stoped on Silver Creek & camped for the night
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 14, 1848 - June 21, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gJqG