High Priest and Patraiarch on this twentythird day of
October AD 1848 He being 85 years 10 months & 2 days old
He has also done much good to the church he paid into the
hands of Elder Sarine $267 dollars for his tithing
And $163 for Sarine own use, And $17 dollars to E. T. Benson has given $700 dollars in all to help the
Saints And for Tithing. He gave W Woodruff $3 to pay
his fare &c &c I left the old Parriarch rejoicing in
his God. I then called upon Smith Tuttle spent
the Afternoon went to New Haven in the Evening
preached at Sister Vinings And Baptized & confir
3 persons spent the night at Sister Vinings 8 mile
~ Tuesday
24th Rode to North Haven called upon Orrin Mansfield
At North Haven rode Around with him to see the Saints & hel[d]
A meeting with them Advised them to keep up their organi-
zations & hold meetings I had A good meeting with them I spent
the night At Br Mansfields I got 5 subscribers fat Fair Haven for the Frontier Guardian 15 m
25th[FIGURE] I took cars at North Haven & arived in Boston
at 12 oclok got onto An omnibus to go to Cambridgeport but got Blocked up by the great
procession marcheing through the city in celebra-
tion of the introduction of the water from the long pond into the city of Boston the procession was two
hours and 30 minutes passing any given point it was consid[er]ed
the greatest display ever made on any occasion in an American
city And supposed to be more people in Boston than ever
known before the procession itself was supposed to be 7 miles
long Archways were formed acrosse the streets decked with
ever greens & flourswers And A pyramid of evergreen & flowers
over top bearing A great variety of motions. The processin
started from the common 15 minutes past 12 N.
First came A powerful band of lancers, then followed thirty
military companies with full uniform & several other bands
of music. next the fire companies of the city with their
Engines ornamented with wreathes flowers &c next fire comp-
anies from the Neighbouring towns. next came the cavalcade
of 500 gentleman & A few ladies A boys fire Engine drawn
by two ponies was followed by two of the largest size
water pipes mounted on a platform drawn by 7 Black
horses bearing the following mottoes. 1st First pipe laid
April 19th 1847. Water introduced into the city Oct 25th 184[8]
Next followed A Bricklayers platform with implements of ther
trade followed by A Host of workman. Next followed the Bosto[n]
boat clubs with their Boats. Next came the Boston port society
with A ship fully rigged And manned under the command of
Father Tailor. The Salem East India Marine And the old
Marine societies followed bearing in their ranks the old palanqu[in]
which has not been seen in public for 40 years this was borne borne by 6 stout Negroes. In A carriage drawn by
4 Horses was A large full rigged moddle of the famous and
fortunate privateer the Grand Turk. others carriages followed
containing specimins of American clocks, goods, carpeting &c
High Priest and Patriarch on this twentythird day of
October AD 1848 he being 85 years 10 months & 2 days old
He has also done much good to the church he paid into the
hands of Elder Sarine $267 dollars for his tithing
and $163 for Sarine own use, and $17 dollars to
E. T. Benson has given $700 dollars in all to help the
Saints and for Tithing. He gave W Woodruff $3 to pay
his fare &c &c I left the old Patriarch rejoicing in
his God. I then called upon Smith Tuttle spent
the afternoon went to New Haven in the evening
Preached at Sister Vinings and baptized & confirmed
3 persons spent the night at Sister Vinings 8 mile
~ Tuesday
24th Rode to North Haven called upon Orrin Mansfield
at North Haven rode around with him to see the Saints & held
a meeting with them advised them to keep up their organizations & hold meetings I had a good meeting with them I spent
the night at Br Mansfields I got 5 subscribers at
Fair Haven for the Frontier Guardian 15 m
25th [FIGURE] I took cars at North Haven & arived in Boston
at 12 oclok got onto an omnibus to go to
Cambridgeport but got blocked up by the great
procession marching through the City in celebration of the introduction of the water from the
long pond into the City of Boston the procession was two
hours and 30 minutes passing any given point it was considerd
the greatest display ever made on any occasion in an American
city and supposed to be more people in Boston than ever
known before the procession itself was supposed to be 7 miles
long Archways were formed across the streets decked with
ever greens & flowers and a Pyramid of evergreen & flowers
over top bearing a great variety of motions. The procession
started from the common 15 minutes past 12 N.
First came a powerful band of lancers, then followed thirty
military companies with full uniform & several other bands
of music, next the fire companies of the City with their
Engines ornamented with wreathes flowers &c next fire companies from the Neighbouring towns, next came the Cavalcade
of 500 gentleman & a few ladies a boys fire engine drawn
by two ponies was followed by two of the largest size
water pipes mounted on a platform drawn by 7 black
horses bearing the following mottoes. :1st First pipe laid
April 19th 1847. Water introduced into the city Oct 25th 1848
Next followed a Bricklayers platform with implements of ther
trade followed by a host of workman. Next followed the Boston
boat clubs with their Boats. Next came the Boston port society
with a ship fully rigged and manned under the command of
Father Tailor. The Salem East India Marine and the old
Marine societies followed bearing in their ranks the old palanquin
which has not been seen in public for 40 years this was
borne by 6 stout Negroes. In a carriage drawn by
4 Horses was a large full rigged moddle of the famous and
fortunate privateer the Grand Turk. others carriages followed
containing specimins of American clocks, goods, carpeting &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 23, 1848 - October 25, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/G6kL