19th I spent the day at Mr Merrills writing. the storm of last night
continued untill to day noon when the sun came out. I had
A plesant time last night in A dream with Brs Brigham Young & H. C. Kimball And the Saints in the salt lake valley we expressed
our feelings together concerning the signs of the times & the
Judgments of God which await this nation. I had a good meet
ing with the Saints at Mr Merrills I spoke to them one hour & read 20ththe epistle of the Twelve to them &c
~ Friday
20th Elder David A Bishop of StamfordCt called upon me early
in the morning I went home with him to Stamford convers
ed with him untill 2 oclok I then took stage & rode to New Haven got in at 10 oclok at night I called upon Wm Hand
59 Green Street New Haven & spent the night distanc 50 m[iles]
~ Saturday
21st I called upon Sister Coffort Vining 31 Wm Street
And spent the fore part of the day she was A warthy woman
& strong in the faith Also Sister Hand I called at Mr Smith
Tuttles found Sister Tuttle sick was As yellow as saffern
I Administered to her by the laying on of hands. I then
called [on] Mr Jesse Luddington water street Sister Tuttle
recieved A Blessing by the laying on of hands most of her
friends had expected she would die but she was healed by
the laying on of hands. A number of comforters like Jobs had called upon her And reproached her because
she was ^sick^ inasmuch as she professed to believe in God,
And asked why [she] did not call upon her Elders to heal
her. this was done to reproach her. And she spoke out
And said O that the Lord would send Br Woodruff
here. it was but A few minutes before she recieve A
note from me stateing that I was coming And when
I laid hands upon her she was healed indeed And felt
to praise the Lord. I spent the night at Mr Luddingtons
on water street Fair haven
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I met with the Saints at Father Jairus Sandford
And Among others present was Mr Smith Tuttle And his wife that was healed and soon after she left to come to come meeting her daughter came to the house to take care
of her supposing her to be vary low but found she had gone
to meeting I preached in the morning to the Saints And had
a good time the spirit & power of God rested upon me I spent
the intermission At Br Sandford's I spoke again in the afterno
on to the Saints & broke bread with them And had a good time
I went to Mr Smith Tuttles and spent the night. I spent
about one hour with Mr Wm B. Goodyear whose Address
will be Anapolis Maryland As he will sail for that place
He was Brother to Miles Goodyier of the Salt Lake valley
whom I saw in the mountains He made many enquiries
about him said he left New Haven while young
~ Monday
23rd ^^ I spent the day visiting the Saints I conversed much with
Elder Jairus Sandford I felt strongly impressed by the
spirit of the Lord to ordain him to the office of high Prie[s]t
And Patriarch the spirit also manifested to me that He was
of the Loins of Joseph through the linage of Ephraim and
before I left him I ordained him to the office of
~ Thursday
19th I spent the day at Mr Merrills writing, the storm of last night
continued untill to day noon when the sun came out. I had
a plesant time last night in a dream with Brs Brigham Young &
H. C. Kimball and the Saints in the salt lake valley we expressed
our feelings together concerning the signs of the times & the
Judgments of God which await this nation. I had a good meet
ing with the Saints at Mr Merrills I spoke to them one hour & read
the epistle of the Twelve to them &c
~ Friday
20th Elder David A Bishop of StamfordCt called upon me early
in the morning I went home with him to Stamford convers
ed with him untill 2 oclok I then took stage & rode to
New Haven got in at 10 oclok at night I called upon Wm Hand
59 Green Street New Haven & spent the night distanc 50 m
~ Saturday
21st I called upon Sister Coffort Vining 31 Wm Street
and spent the fore part of the day she was a warthy woman
& strong in the faith also sister Hand I called at Mr Smith
Tuttles found sister Tuttle sick was as yellow as saffern
I administered to her by the laying on of hands. I then
called on Mr Jesse Luddington water Street Sister Tuttle
recieved a blessing by the laying on of hands most of her
friends had expected she would die but she was healed by
the laying on of hands. A number of comforters like
Jobs had called upon her and reproached her because
she was sick inasmuch as she professed to believe in God,
and asked why she did not call upon her Elders to heal
her, this was done to reproach her. And she spoke out
and said O that the Lord would send Br Woodruff
here, it was but a few minutes before she recieve a
note from me stateing that I was coming and when
I laid hands upon her she was healed indeed and felt
to praise the Lord. I spent the night at Mr Luddingtons
on water street Fair haven
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I met with the Saints at Father Jairus Sandford
and among others present was Mr Smith Tuttle and his
wife that was healed and soon after she left to come to
meeting her daughter came to the house to take care
of her supposing her to be vary low but found she had gone
to meeting I preached in the morning to the Saints and had
a good time the spirit & power of God rested upon me I spent
the intermission at Br Sandford's I spoke again in the afterno
on to the Saints & broke bread with them and had a good time
I went to Mr Smith Tuttles and spent the night. I spent
about one hour with Mr Wm B. Goodyear whose address
will be Anapolis Maryland as he will sail for that place
He was Brother to Miles Goodyier of the Salt Lake valley
whom I saw in the mountains He made many enquiries
about him said he left New Haven while young
~ Monday
23rd [FIGURE] I spent the day visiting the Saints I conversed much with
Elder Jarius Sandford I felt strongly impressed by the
spirit of the Lord to ordain him to the office of high Priest
and Patriarch the spirit also manifested to me that he was
of the Loins of Joseph through the linage of Ephraim and
before I left him I ordained him to the office of
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 19, 1848 - October 23, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ERgY