19th we started early in the morning to find our camp
we travled 5 miles & met two of the Brethren on their
way back to Woolley camp to enquire after us & if they
did not hear from us were calculating to raise all the Armed
men they possibly could & go into the mountains after us but
we soon arived at our camp which ended their fears concern
ing us And their shouts of Joy on our arival made the wolkin
ring we gatherd up our teams travled untill night & camped
on Big Sandy
~ Friday
20th we travled 15 1/2 miles & camped on Big Sandy our oxen
began to fail
~ Saturday
21st we Travled 15 1/2 miles camped on Big Sandy our old
Buffalo ox Died at night. He had drawn timber for the Temple
in the pine country, Had been in the punkah expedition & had
piched his living for several years past through Hard winters
& Died After A Hard 3 months work in Drawing goods towards
the valley
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday Drove 8 miles & camped on Big Sandy within 4
miles of Green River Ford we were informed that Elder Hyde
would call upon us in a day or two many wrote Letters to
send by him to the states I wrote A Letter to I. F. Carter &
gave him An extract from my Journal of each Days travel up to this date
~ Monday
23rd Travled to Green river put in 6 spokes into a waggon
wheel crossed the river & camped 5 miles below 9 1/2 miles
~ Tuesday
[24] [page torn] Drove 18 1/2 miles & camped on Hams fork many cattle failed
[I le]ft one ox & one cow Died after ariving in camp Bess lea & reed cow I met two men from the valley Brothers Robinson & Stringham who informed me that their Had
been some Difficulty with A party of snake Indians they had
commenced stealing & made war on our people they had
killed one of the Brethren & one Indian was killed they had
made an Attack on Brownville The Brethren had sent 200
armed men to their assistance & had sent these men to
warn us of the danger that we might be on our guard fear
ing that they they might attack us while on the road I called
both Divisions of the camp together at night & required them
to Have their guns & Amunition ready for inspection early in
the morning I spent A sick night
~ Wednesday
25th I was quite unwell this morning the encampment
came out in companies of tens & 50s Armed for inspec-
tions there were 22 men in 3rd Division & 12 men in 1st Di
vision their were 34 guns & 50 Pistol shots
we travled 12 1/2 miles & camped on 3rd crossing of Blacks fork
~ Thursday
26th Drove 10 1/2 miles left one oxthat Murphy Drove
~ Friday
27th Drove 8 miles camped at Fort Bridger in the evening I
took my trout rod & line & caught 22 trout in one Hole in
30 minutes we lost at night 6 oxen that went back on the
~ Thursday
19th we started early in the morning to find our camp
we travled 5 miles & met two of the Brethren on their
way back to Woolley camp to enquire after us & if they
did not hear from us were calculating to raise all the armed
men they possibly could & go into the mountains after us but
we soon arived at our camp which ended their fears concern
ing us and their shouts of Joy on our arival made the wolkin
ring we gatherd up our teams travled untill night & camped
on Big Sandy
~ Friday
20th we travled 15 1/2 miles & camped on Big Sandy our oxen
began to fail
~ Saturday
21st we Travled 15 1/2 miles camped on Big Sandy our old
buffalo ox Died at night He had drawn timber for the Temple
in the pine country, had been in the punkah expedition & had
piched his living for several years past through hard winters
& died after a hard 3 months work in drawing goods towards
the valley
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday Drove 8 miles & camped on Big Sandy within 4
miles of Green River Ford we were informed that Elder Hyde
would call upon us in a day or two many wrote Letters to
send by him to the States I wrote a Letter to I. F. Carter &
gave him an extract from my Journal of each Days travel
[FIGURE] up to this date
~ Monday
23rd Travled to Green river put in 6 spokes into a waggon
wheel crossed the river & camped 5 miles below 9 1/2 miles
~ Tuesday
24 Drove 18 1/2 miles & camped on Hams fork many cattle failed
I left one ox & one cow died after ariving in camp Bess lea& reed cow I met two men from the valley Brothers
Robinson & Stringham who informed me that their had
been some Difficulty with a party of snake Indians they had
commenced stealing & made war on our people they had
killed one of the Brethren & one Indian was killed they had
made an attack on Brownville The Brethren had sent 200
armed men to their assistance & had sent these men to
warn us of the danger that we might be on our guard fear
ing that they they might attack us while on the road I called
both Divisions of the camp together at night & required them
to have their guns & amunition ready for inspection early in
the morning I spent a sick night
~ Wednesday
25th I was quite unwell this morning the Encampment
came out in companies of tens & 50th armed for inspections there were 22 men in 3rd Division & 12 men in 1st Di
vision their were 34 guns & 50 Pistol shots
we travled 12 1/2 miles & camped on 3rd crossing of Blacks fork
~ Thursday
26th Drove 10 1/2 miles left one oxthat Murphy Drove
~ Friday
27th Drove 8 miles camped at Fort Bridger in the evening I
took my trout rod & line & caught 22 trout in one hole in
10 minutes we lost at night 6 oxen that went back on the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 19, 1850 - September 27, 1850, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jRV4