28th We Had to lie in camp while men went back after
the oxen many went to fishing As there was A rushing creek
which Abounded with trout I caught 30 Another man 32
And many caught about A Dozen each the men returned
at night with the oxen
~ Sunday
29th We left Fort Bridger this morning I went forward
with my Division to day And the first Division or some of the[m] [page torn]
complained or murmured much about it & their was sin
committed by so doing I called them together at night
& gave them a sharp rebuke & reproof for I was constrai[ned] [page torn]
by the spirit of God so to do. And I Advised that divisio[n] [page torn]
to go ahead in the morning & not wait for me. we came
down a long tedious Hill & broke down one exle [axle] tyre & one
wheel travled 11 miles & camped on a small stream
~ Monday
30th The first Division went ahead & we staid in camp
to mend the ex [axle] & wheel
~ Tuesday
Oct 1st Drove 15 miles & camped lost one cow
~ Wednesday
2nd Travled 8 miles on a bad road & camped on Bear River
~ Thursday
3rd Travled 10 miles & camped on Yellow creek lost anot[her] [page torn] cow
~ Friday
4th Travled 10 miles visited the cave Had an interview
with Elder O Hyde who past us with His train on his
return Home
~ Saturday
5th Travled 7 miles camped with Hunters camp on the
echo creek found A Bad Road
~ Sunday
6th Sunday travled over a Rough Road 9 miles & camped
on the Webber River
~ Monday
7th Lay in camp caught 15 trout
~ Tuesday
8 Travled 12 miles on a bad Road camped on a small creek
2 1/2 miles from canion creek met with Brothers Atwoods & Branch with cattle from the valley to our assistance with
12 Yoke which we much stood in need of
~ Wednesday
9th We Had A rain & snow storm we lost some oxen but
found them lay in camp [FIGURE]
~ Thursday
10th Travled 8 miles & camped on kanyan creek Brother
Tross Turned my family waggon over & made quite a
smash up inside, my family was inside the waggon & run a
Narrow chance of being killed but escaped unharmed
~ Friday
11th Travled 3 miles left kanyan creek turned up the big mountain
travled 2 miles broke evry spoke out of one wheel & one
tongue out stoped & mended waggons
~ Saturday
12th Travled 8 miles over the second mountain And O Horr[id] [page covered]
what A road we had to repair the road near one third of
the way gutted out by the late storm we were in Danger of
Breaking waggons
~ Saturday
28th We had to lie in camp while men went back after
the oxen many went to fishing as there was a rushing creek
which abounded with trout I caught 30 another man 32
and many caught about a Dozen each the men returned
at night with the oxen
~ Sunday
29th [FIGURE] We left Fort Bridger this morning I went forward
with my Division to day and the first Division or some of them
complained or murmured much about it & their was sin
committed by so doing I called them together at night
& gave them a sharp rebuke & reproof for I was constrained
by the spirit of God so to do. And I advised that division
to go ahead in the morning & not wait for me we came
down a long tedious hill & broke down one exle tyre & one
wheel travled 11 miles & camped on a small stream
~ Monday
30th The first Division went ahead & we staid in camp
to mend the exle & wheel
~ Tuesday
Oct 1st Drove 15 miles & camped lost one cow
~ Wednesday
2nd Travled 8 miles on a bad road & camped on Bear River
~ Thursday
3rd Travled 10 miles & camped on Yellow creek lost another cow
~ Friday
4th Travled 10 miles visited the cave had an interview
with Elder O Hyde who past us with his train on his
return home
~ Saturday
5th Travled 7 miles camped with hunters camp on the
echo creek found a bad road
~ Sunday
6th Sunday travled over a Rough Road 9 miles & camped
on the Webber River
~ Monday
7th Lay in camp caught 15 trout
~ Tuesday
8th Travled 12 miles on a bad Road camped on a small creek
2 1/2 miles from canion creek met with Brothers Atwoods &
Branch with cattle from the valley to our assistance with
12 Yoke which we much stood in need of
~ Wednesday
9th We had a rain & snow storm we lost some oxen but
found them lay in camp
~ Thursday
10th Travled 8 miles & camped on kanyan creek Brother
Tross Turned my family waggon over & made quite a
smash up inside, my family was inside the waggon & run a
narrow chance of being killed but escaped unharmed
~ Friday
11th Travled 3 miles left kanyan creek turned up the big mountain
travled 2 miles broke evry spoke out of one wheel & one
tongue out stoped & mended waggons
~ Saturday
12th Travled 8 miles over the second mountain and O Horrid
what a road we had to repair the road near one third of
the way gutted out by the late storm we were in Danger of
breaking waggons
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 28, 1850 - October 12, 1850, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kRVv