18 I receieved a letter from Brother Nathaniel Thomas dated Sept 12 they had not yet started they
had been delayed in waiting for some that were not ready I wrote a letter to Brother Thomas
I also wrote a letter to Elder Milton Holmes I spent the night at father Carters. WE have a
total eclipse of the sun this day commencing about 3 oclock PM & visible
21 I receieved a letter from Priest Thomas he informed me the camp would be ready to start
in few days. he wished me to pray to God to deliver them & enable them to go out of Babylon. Truly
we all need patience & faith in God, for it is a day of temptation, trials, & trouble for the devil is exced
ing mad because the Saints are beginning to gather out from the midst of the gentiles & go unto the land
of Zion. I wrode to Buxton to see Elder James Townsend to get him to go to the land of Zion with us
& after having an interview with him he concluded to go with us I called upon Mr William Harman
& bargined for a two horse waggon on conditions. I returned & spent the night at father Carters{Distance} 20 m[iles]
~ Saturday
22 The soun is crossing the line about these days. we are visited with a storm of rain to day the weather is warm
I am still at father Carters & much desirous to see the camp of the Saints. Our babe is recovering from
the Hooping cough. may its life be preserved I Pray if it is the will of the Lord
24 I saw a report in the Portland Transcrip against the Mormons -[Saints]- in Davis County Mo
which arose on the day of the election in consequence of our Brethren enjoying their privilege
as American citizens by casting their vote & that numbers were rising up among the gentiles of
the different counties to go over to Davis County to mob the Saints all these reports & stories
have a tendency to dampen & discourage the minds & feelings of many [of] the Saints that are gatheri-
ng to Zion. But none of these things moove me I am determined to overcome, keep the faith & go to Zion
17 I spent the day at Father Carters reading the life of Lorenzo Dow
~ Tuesday
18 [FIGURE] I receieved a letter from Brother Nathaniel Thomas dated Sept 12 they had not yet started they
had been delayed in waiting for some that were not ready [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Brother Thomas
I also wrote a letter to [FIGURE] Elder Milton Holmes I spent the night at father Carters. WE have a
total eclipse of the sun this day commencing about 3 oclock PM & visible
21 [FIGURE] I receieved a letter from Priest Thomas he informed me the camp would be ready to start
in few days. he wished me to pray to God to deliver them & enable them to go out of Babylon. Truly
we all need patience & faith in God. for it is a day of temptation, trials, & trouble for the devil is exceding mad because the saints are beginning to gather out from the midst of the gentiles & go unto the land
of Zion. I wrode to Buxton to see Elder James Townsend to get him to go to the land of Zion with us
& after having an interview with him he concluded to go with us I called upon Mr William Harman
& bargined for a two horse waggon on conditions. I returned & spent the night at father Carters{Distance} 20 m
~ Saturday
22 The sun is crossing the line about these days. we are visited with a storm of rain to day the weather is warm
I am still at father Carters & much desirous to see the Camp of the Saints. Our babe is recovering from
the Hooping cough, may its life be preserved I Pray if it is the will of the Lord
24 I saw a report in the Portland Transcrip against the Mormons [Saints] in Davis County Mo
which arose on the day of the election in consequence of our Brethren enjoying their privilege
as American Citizens by casting their vote & that numbers were rising up among the gentiles of
the different Counties to go over to Davis County to mob the Saints all these reports & stories
have a tendency to dampen & discourage the minds & feelings of many of the saints that are gatheri
-ng to Zion. But none of these things moove me I am determined to overcome, keep the faith & go to Zion
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," September 16, 1838 - September 24, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/qq2