Sept 25. O Lord give me faith, grace, & patience to endure what is lade upon ^me^ without murmering or
complaining, help me to be resigned to thy will in all things. The report that I spoke of yesterday concerning
the Mormon's in Mo as the Saints are called, is going the rounds to day among our friends & neighbo-
urs; this one is saying it wont do to go & that is isaying it will not do to go for you will be killed
&c. But O, fools, slow at heart to believe that God is as able to protect his Saints in these
last days from the hands of the gentiles as HE was anciently to deliver Israel from the Egyptians
Those things are the smallest part of my trials & suspens that is resting upon my mind at this
thime. My trials are as great about these days as at any time since I have been a member of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If any inquires what my trials are, should they ask if I was
doubting the cause in which I am ingaged, I can answer in truth NO, God forbid I never was a stronger
Mormon -[Saint]- than about these days. What is the matter then, I'll tell you: The Lord has commanded
me to go to Zion spedily & while I am setting myself myself about it the devel with all his agents are
using their combined exertions & power to hinder me. I have been waiting for the Saints from the Islands of the sea to accompany them to that land untill it is vary late. the fall rains are upon us, cold
weather will soon encircle us, the minds of the Saints are depressed & cast down around me. we have
a dreary journey of two thousands miles before us with no other expectation but to camp upon the ground
I have a sick infant of two month's old to take with us & a wife whose spirits at times mare much
depressed under such anguos [anguish] ^severe^ trials But thank God she stands the shock like a brave soldier which
is great consolation to my soul. The above are some of the trials that are resting upon me. But I
can say get the[e] behind me Satan for I say in the name of Jesus Christ that I will stand in the land
whare God has commanded me to gather unto before another spring rolls over my head if it is on
foot & alone & I beg my bread by the way. So now rage on thou foul monster untill thou art stoped
in thy mad career at the end of they chain given thee by the angel of God & see who will gain the
I spent the day at father Carters gathering apples I saved some apple seeds from his
orcherd to plant in Zion
~ Tuesday
Sept 25. O Lord give me faith, grace, & patience to endure what is lade upon me without murmering or
complaining, help me to be resigned to thy will in all things. The report that I spoke of yesterday concerning
the Mormon's in Mo as the saints are called, is going the rounds today among our friends & neighbo
-urs; this one is saying it wont do to go & that is saying it will not do to go for you will be killed
&c. But O, fools, slow at heart to believe that God is as able to protect his saints in these
last days from the hands of the gentiles as HE was anciently to deliver Israel from the Egyptians
Those things are the smallest part of my trials & suspens that is resting upon my mind at this
time. My trials are as great about these days as at any time since I have been a member of the church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If any inquires what my trials are, should they ask if I was
doubting the cause in which I am ingaged, I can answer in truth NO, God forbid. I never was a stronger
Mormon Saint than about these days. What is the matter then, I'll" tell you: The Lord has commanded
me to go to Zion spedily & while I am setting myself myself about it the devel with all his agents are
using their combined exertions & power to hinder me. I have been waiting for the saints from the
Islands of the sea to accompany them to that land untill it is vary late, the fall rains are upon us, cold
weather will soon encircle us, the minds of the saints are depressed & cast down around me, we have
a dreary journey of two thousands miles before us with no other expectation but to camp upon the ground
I have a sick infant of two month's old to take with us & a wife whose spirits at times are much
depressed under such severe trials But thank God she stands the shock like a brave soldier which
is great consolation to my soul. The above are some of the trials that are resting upon me. But I
can say get thee behind me Satan for I say in the name of Jesus Christ that I will stand in the land
whare God has commanded me to gather unto before another spring rolls over my head if it is on
foot & alone & I beg my bread by the way. So now rage on thou foul monster untill thou art stoped
in thy mad career at the end of thy chain given thee by the angel of God & see who will gain the
victory. I spent the day at father Carters gathering apples I saved some apple seeds from his
orcherd to plant in Zion
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," September 25, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,