Conference opened at 10 oclok. Erastus Snow Prayed & then
spoke 44 Minutes G. A. Smith 20, D. H. Wells 24, & Presid[en]t B. Young 5 Minutes. We held a council at noomn at Pres-
ident Youngs office the Presidency & all of the Twelve & By unanimous vote cut of [off] Isaac Haight, John D. Lee & Wood, for
committing a great sin & they were not to have the
Privilege of returning again to the Church again in this life
Afternoon The Authorities of the Church were presented
President Young resigned his office as Trustee in trust the
People voted against accepting it He also resigned his office
as President of the Perpetual Emigrating fund & Horace S Eldridge
was appointed to that office. G. A. Smith resigned his
Office as Historian & General Church Recorder & Albert
Carrington was Appointed in his place President Y[ou]ng spoke
36 Minutes & O Hyde 10 Minutes. We held a Meeting
in the Evening in the old Tabernacle of the Priesthood C. C. Rich spoke & called for volenteers to go to soda springs
the Presidency spoke & L Snow
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I attended Meeting in the TabernacleA Carrington
Prayed J. Taylor spoke one hour & 22 Minutes & G A Smith 5 M Martin Harris Bore Testimony to the Saints & to the Gentiles
who were present. G. A. Smith spoke 5 Minutes. The Testimony
of the 3 witnesses in the Book of Mormon was then read
then President Y[ou]ng spoke 10 Minutes. Afternoon sacram[en]t
Administered & A Carrington spoke 58 Ministeredtes
G. A. Smith 25 M, & President Y[ou]ng 27.
~ Monday
10th I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House gave Endowments
to 47. W Woodruff sealed 47 couple J. F. Smith 6 couple I then attended A meeting of the stock Holders of Zions
cooperative Merchantile Institution & a dividend of
10 percent wars declaired for 6 month upon the capitol stok
At the close of the Meeting I went to the party of the Zions Camp
& Mormon Battalion. Bishop E Hunter got up a Dinner for
the same Mrs Phebe & Emma Woodruff accompanied me to the
same. There were 30 Men & 2 women of Zions Camp present
out of 205 Men, & 63 Men of the Mormon Battalion out of 500 Men
~ Saturday
Oct 8, 1870
Conference opened at 10 oclok. Erastus Snow Prayed & then
spoke 44 Minutes G. A. Smith 20 D. H. Wells 24 & President
B. Young 5 Minutes. We held a council at noon at President Youngs office the Presidency & all of the Twelve & By unanimous
[FIGURE] vote cut ofIsaac Haight, John D. Lee & Wood for
committing a great Sin & they were not to have the
Privilege of Returning again to the Church again in this life
Afternoon The Authorities of the Church were presented
President Young resigned his office as Trustee in trust the
People voted against accepting it He also resigned his office
as Presidet of the Perpetual Emigrating fund & Horace S Eldridge
was appointed to that office. G. A. Smith Resigned his
Office as Historian & General Church Recorder & Albert
Carrington was Appointed in his place President Young spoke
36 Minutes & O Hyde 10 Minutes. We held a Meeting
in the Evening in the old Tabernacle of the Priesthood
C. C. Rich spoke & called for volenteers to go to soda springs
the Presidency spoke & L Snow
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I attended Meeting in the TabernacleA Carrington
Prayed J. Taylor spoke one hour & 22 Minutes &
Martin Harris Bore Testimony to the Saints & to the Gentiles
who were preset. G. A. Smith spoke 5 Minutes. The Testimony
of the 3 witnesses in the Book of Mormon was then read
then President Young spoke 10 Minutes. Afternoon sacrament
Administered & A Carrington spoke 58 Minites
G. A. Smith 25 Minutes & President Young 27.
~ Monday
10 I spent the day in the Endowment House gave Endowments
to 47 W Woodruff sealed 47 couple J. F. Smith 6 couple
[FIGURE] I then attended A meeting of the Stock Holders of Zions
cooperative Merchantile Institution & a dividend of
10 percent was declaired for 6 month upon the capitol stok
At the close of the Meeting I went to the party of the Zions Camp
& Mormon Battalion. Bishop E Hunter got up a Dinner for
the same. Mrs & Emma Woodruff accompanied me to the
same. There were 30 Men & 2 women of Zions Camp present
Out of 205 Men & 63 Men of the Mormon Battalion out of 500 Men
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 8, 1870 - October 10, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 19, 2025,