waggon whare she lay vary sick Br and
Sister Benbow had been with us several
days. Sister Benbow was exceding low when she
came. Hardly expected she would live Mrs Woodruff used evry exhertion to Nurs her
up that she might recover
~ Thursday
5th I this day walked to the tent alone with
the aid of a staff. Joseph is a failing
is dangerously sick
~ Friday
6th I was enabled to walk better to day Joseph is not any better
~ Saturday
7th I am gaining daiyly in strength But Joseph
is failing I callied upon the Elders to administer
to him. Sister Benbow is also vary low
~ Sunday
8th I was enabled to walk to Dr Richards
tent to day Mrs Woodruff has to spend her
whole time day and night with Joseph as he
is in a dangerous situation
~ Monday
9th I am now enabled to walk about with
much more strength but my breast
and side is still vary weak. Joseph
is still failing
~ Tuesday
10th I recieved 3 letters today 2 from
Elder J. A. Stratton one from Br and
Sister Armstrong. Joseph had the appearance
of Dying in the afternoon and evening but
revived at about 12 oclok
~ Wednesday
11th I spent several hours with Joseph supposed
each moment to be his last but again
revived at midnight
waggon whare she lay vary sick Br and
Sister Benbow had been with us several
days. Sister Benbow was exceding low when she
came. Hardly expected she would live Mrs
Woodruff used evry exhertion to nurs her
up that she might recover
~ Thursday
5th I this day walked to the tent alone with
the aid of a staff. Joseph is a failing
is dangerously sick
~ Friday
6th I was enabled to walk better to day
Joseph is not any better
~ Saturday
7th I am gaining daily in strength but Joseph
is failing I called upon the Elders to administer
to him. Sister Benbow is also vary low
~ Sunday
8th I was enabled to walk to Dr Richards
tent to day Mrs Woodruff has to spend her
whole time day and night with Joseph as he
is in a dangerous situation
~ Monday
9th I am now enabled to walk about with
much more strength but my breast
and side is still vary weak. Joseph
is still failing
~ Tuesday
10th [FIGURE] I recieved 3 letters today 2 from
Elder J. A. Stratton one from Br and
Sister Armstrong. Joseph had the appearanc
of Dying in the afternoon and evening but
revived at about 12 oclok
~ Wednesday
11th I spent several hours with Joseph supposed
each moment to be his last but again
revived at midnight
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," November 4, 1846 - November 11, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 19, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yP2w