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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff journals and papers, 1828-1898 |
Collection Description | The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867. |
Collection Number | MS 1352 |
Collection Page | 5-342 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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After I retired to rest at night I fell asleep And had the following dream I was in company with a number of the Twelve & other Brethren I thought I had just returned to Nauvoo from my English mission we met with Br Joseph Smith the Prophet I shook hands with him And asked him if he & his family were well he said they were. I Thought the endowment had been given & he was counciling us about taking a mission abroad some portion of the time while talking he
Met in the Afternoon I blessed the bread & wine & it was administered to the Saints after which the time was taking up by the Brethren & Sisters in bearing testimony of the work of God, & the Power of God rested upon the congregation untill it melted us into tears this is the conference that Br Kimball speaks of in his Journal. I never saw a more
I recieved a copy of a letter written by John Greenhow to his Father in England Stating that he was sterrotyping the Doctrins & Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at an expens of $300 dollars was to be in England about the first of May should strike of[f] a few copies & secure the copy wright & deprive us the privilege of printing them this was to be kept a secret from me or any of the church but through the mercy of God it fell into my hands & as I was the ownly lawful Proprietor or agent for the church I immediately employed a printer & Printed three thousand copies And I this Day secured the copy- right in my own name at the Stationers Hall in London carryed one copy according to Law to the British Museum & got my reciept for it.
Joseph Woodruffs Blessing recieved under the Hands of his Father Wilford Woodruff of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles And while in the Arms of his Mother Phebe W. Woodruff on the eights day of his age July 25th 1845 he being born Friday morning 30 minutes past 7 oclok on the eighteenth day of July AD 1845 in Liverpool England while his Parents were on a mission from their native country to England In the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood & the keys of the Kingdom of God I lay my hands upon thy head & anoint thee with Holy Consecrated oil which has been Consecrated under the hands of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, with this Anointing I seal thy name upon thy head which is JOSEPH. For thou art out of the Loins of Ancient Joseph sold into Eg◊ypt through the linage of Ephraim. Thou hast a legal right to the Melchezedec Priesthood by linage. Thou art the first fruits of the Priesthood unto thy pare- nts since there endowment thdua thou art a gift from God unto thy Parents in answer to their Pryers. I bless you with the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Joseph, Ephraim & Manassah and the blessings of the new & Everlasting Covenant the blessings of heaven & the blessings of the Earth I seal thee against the power of Death sicknes & the destroyer untill thy work is finished. ^for thou shalt have power over them^ I hereby dedicate and Consecrate thee unto God and the Priesthood from this time forth and forever. Thou shalt live to honor thy Parents & the Priesthood thou shalt
My feelings have been often hurt since my arival in Liverpool by the unkind feelings & speeches made towards me by Elders Hedlock, Ward, & Wilson conserning business matters myself and the Twelve it is hard to be grieved & wounded in the House of those that should be our friends. But Joseph Hiram & the Twelve have had much of this to bear in the rise & Progress of this Church 4
I retired to rest at night or sought for it but found it not for I was much troubled in spirit, about sever[al] things I do not recieve that union & kind treatment from my councellors that I ought to recieve at there. they do not consider my place & standing & sustain me in it in the way they ought, & are not united with me with that union that belongs to the Law of the Celestial kingdom this grieves me in spirit for the judgme- nts are about to be poured out upon the Nations and we ought to be prepared & have no divisions among us I arose at midnight & called upon the Lord by supplica- tion according to the Holy Priesthood And the Lord manifested somethings unto me 4
As I rose to speak the power of God rested upon me And I spoke for about
October 22, 1845 ~ Wednesday 22 [FIGURES] I recieved 4 letters & wrote 3 I sent one letter to Elder Dan Jones containing the first copies of the Proclamation of the Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles. I ordered Twenty thousand to be printed in English the first copy came to me to day which I immediately sent to Capt Dan Jones to be published in the welch language this is the proclamation to All the Kings of world & rulers & people of All nations may the Lord make it a blessings to All nations This Proclamation is made by the Twelve Apostles in fulfillment of the Revelation & commandments of God see Doctrins & Covenants sections CIII, 1 paragraph Math 22 ch 5 vers. This is A warning to the whole gentile world that they may be left without excuse in the day of Gods Judgments upon the nations I thank God that I am an instrument in his hands of printing & circulating this important Proclamation through Britain & Europe
I should judge from my feelings And intimations of the spirit of God that the endowment had commenced & that the Lord had commenced pouring out some special blessings upon the Saints in Nauvoo but time will determin whether this is the case. My soul has been much refreshed and edefyed of late in reading the Book of Mormon the time has come for its sayi[n]g[s] to be fulfilled
November 2, 1845 ~ Sunday 2nd Sunday I wilford Woodruff Son of Aphek Woodruff have read the Book of Mormon much during the Last ◊twelve years of my life And my soul delighteth much in its words teaching and Prophesyings And in its Plainness I rejoice in the goodness and mercy of of the God of Israel In Preserving the precious Book of Mormon & bringing it to light in our day & generation it teaches the honest & humble mind the great things of God that were performed in the land of promise now called America in Ancient days And also the great things of God that are nigh even at the doors concerning the resteration of the Laman- ites to the knowledg of there linage & forefathers when they will throw of[f] the veil of ignorance darkness And superstition sense there customs of Idleness filtheness wars & contentions one with another And wake up out of there fourteen hudrd [hundred]
on the 27th Day of June 1844 Joseph Smith the Prophet & Hiram Smith the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was basely shot & martered while in Prisioon whare they wer cast unlawfully by there persecuters they were martered by An American Gentile mob And may the Lord Avenge there blood in his onwn time & way. The Prophet Joseph gave the quorum of the Twelve Apostles there endowm[en]t A few months befor his death.
thus from A little musterd seed the kingdom of God has grown in 15 years untill the sound thereoff has gone as it were over the earth
The Lord God has spoken concerning Zion of the last days many great & glorious things By Isaiah & many other Prophets on the continant of Asia And Also by the Prophets & And Apostles of Ancient days in America as well as in this last dispensation therefore Zion must arise and flourish for the Lord has spoken it.
the seed of F[E]iphraim in the west will soon arise with Zion & put on her beau tiful garments the House of the Lord shall be built upon the top of the mountains & many people will flow unto it And Ephraims Nobles will be of himself & his Govorner procede out of the midst of him may the Lord hasten it in his time And fulfill his promises his to Zion Jerrusalem & the house of Israel is the prayer of the ^Lords^ Anointed
the whole United States have filled up there cup of Iniquity And well may the Saints go out of her midst As did Lot out of Sodom for her Judgment and destruction is equally sure The Saints having built the Temple of the Lord & the City of Joseph Are now about to be drove out of it By the American Nation this is a strange Age we live in the Bible & Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants are fast fulfilling upon the heads of this generation thus has American liberty with her proud eagle found a sepulchre there to remain untill resurrected by some power who will be promped by virtue to Administ[er] those laws in equity & Justice that the present Administrators have not moral courage enough to maintain against the power of Mobocracy [3]
I never saw so gloomy a time at sea on board of A ship in the midst of A Hurrica ne, the raging billows pouring out there fury upon us evry thing stifning up with cold & frost No one knowing whats [next] the yards would be blown away or a mast go by the board or the ship spring a leak or founder & go to the bottom It was Amid these reflections late in the evening that I stood on deck & gazed late in the evening upon the wild & dismal appearanc that surrounded me And raised A secret pray to my Heavenly father to protect us then with calmnes & composur retired to my bunk leaving all in the hands of God
The world opposes the principle of Revelation And does not wish man to obtain knowledge in that way, but what Earthly Father that feels interested in the welfare of his children but what desires to teach his children & reveal to them the knowledge He possesses And would feel interested in there Advancement so with the Lord He gives gifts & knowledge
I am willing to live And Die for the cause, you may wish to know what we have been doing in this house I will tell you. We have been anointing And ordaining Kings And Priest unto God. I have been Anointed A king & Priest unto God. If any one wishes to kill me for it let them do it We have laboured hard to ordain kings & Priest unto God to reign here on the earth but not now, but I will tell you when it will be. when the LORD JESUS CHRIST comes to reign and recieve his Crown And sit upon his Throne, The Twelve Apostles will sit upon there Thrones & Judge the Twelve tribes of Israel then is the time we expect to recieve our crown And inherit this earth.
If this religion Gospel & Priest- hood has not power to bind on earth and in heaven, it is good for nothing
A man that does his duty And obtaines the Priesthood and honors it will have his reward. His exhaltation thrones & dominions according to his faithful- ness. we like our Master have desended below all things so shall we arise above all things I have seen this by vision we shall be connected with the kingdom of Jesus Christ. To the vary place And station will A man arise in the resurrection to which He Has been sealed & anointed on earth It is said that God will judge the world
yes wives & children were left in this way to the mercy of God And the brethren And went away with cheerful hearts Believing that they were doing the will of God And while casting my eyes upon them I considered I was viewing the first Battalion of the Army of Israel engaged in the United States service for one year And going to lay the foundation of A far greater work even preparing the way for the building of Zion.
President Young closed with an interesting Address said He had not expected to see the rocky mountains this year but when the Lord commanded him to go direct He intended to go if He left all And went alone but he thought the Lord would let him take the people with him And when He found the place for the temple He would work hard untill it was built. He said the Lord revelation A vision was with him
August 30, 1846 ~ Sunday [FIGURE] 30th Sunday I met at the place of meeting with the 12 & church. Elder Kimbal addressed the Meeting I followed him. Elder Young followed & gave many principles of interest. said we must have exp- erience if we had done right & known how to have Magnifyed the Priesthood we should not have been driven from Jackson County but must have experiec in order to be prepared to govern the kingdom of God
President Young there addressed the meeting And said that it was an Eternal Principle that before God would chose A man to rule any part of his kingdom he must first learn to be ruled And that the Lord was preparing A people for that purpose & fifty years would not pass away before many who are now present will each rule over many more than what I do this day
13th Sunday I met the Twelve & saints at the meeting ground. Meeting opened by prayer by O Pratt who arose we have often been taught to listen to council given from the head I do not consider it necessary to treat to day upon the first principles of the gospel as those things are understood by you as well as by me. I have thought of treating upon scientific Principles there is no truth but what comes from God, it requires a portion of the spirit of God to know
Elder Kimball arose & said it was necessary for this People to be subject to council. like clay in the hands of the Potter as to learning there is difference in men in this thing I spent one winter in learning grammer and all I did learn about it was the difference betwee singular & plural number what knowledge I ever did get God helped me to I desire to love that which is
President Young arose & said I wish to say a few words upon Principle I desire the brethren and sisters to be taught in all things necessary. There is one thing I want you to realize and that is that God, Angels, & Saints Heaven and all of Gods creation are governed by law and I want the Camp of Israel to understand that we must be and if Heaven was not controlled by law what for a place would it be I would not wish to be there for were we rushed into Heaven without law evry man would be in danger of loosing his rights & having them trampeld upon but all celestial beings are governed by law & perfect order yea the celestial law is a perfect order of things a perfect system of light, law, intelligence exhaltation & glory where evry persons rights are sustained to the fulest extent
President Young followed & said he could soon answer his mind did not fell [feel] much like preaching had to administer to the sick brethren [who] are labouring hard to keep soul and body together when I see the suffering that this people are enduring from the conduct of professed Christians I feel more like fighting & swearing than preaching for I see such strugling to live that I have feelings for the brethren to see them suffer for their religion I am glad I have not power for I should use it. when I have I shall have knowledge to use it. offenses must come but wo unto those by wholm they come. we are followed by wicked men who will lie about us & run to Missouri & say we are triying to kill them &c I hope such will go away & fall & die. Some are whineing because we will not strike hands with the devil I wish they knew right from wrong. the High Council are appointed to do business for the Church will they not do right yes they will regulate the affairs of cutting timber and all affairs for the benefit of the people. Some act selfish but I want to act for the good of all, because all things do not go to suit the convenienc of all some want to run to Mo but I want to let Mo alone
Meeting opened at 2 oclok PM at the Council Block. Meeting opened by prayer by O. Pratt who also remarked that we had suffered by the gentiles a long time; but had now gone out of there midst & hoped we should rest for a season from there grasp. had rather suffer the fatigues of this wilderness journey and live on game than suffer by mobs. would rather fall into the hands of God than a mob as God is more merciful. I have heard the prophet say that God could not controle the wicked at all times and let them act upon their agency without operating upon them as a machine. I am contented whare I am but should be more so if we had an abundanc of the necessaries of life, the mob at last have had courage after gathering & threatning for about 6 years to come against the Saints in Nauvoo from one thousand to twelve hundred men had came against one hundred of the Saints and have a pitched battle, but the Saints went out to battle in the name of God & their ene- mies were defeated.
Br Cutler arose and said I can bear my testim- ony that what Br Wells has said is strictly true according to the best of my knowledge. If I was to talk untill sun down the whole could not be told. I have been kept in Nauvoo by the hand of God others wanted to have been here and would have been had it not been necessary to have stoped to save our brethren there who could
President Young arose and said I wish to make a few remarks attached to the remarks that have been made. I will inform the brethren that have come up we are glad to see them. Br Cutler has been with us before. Br Wells has been in our society for several years and I have had considerable acquaintance with him and I am more than ever satisfyed with his course. we have prayed for our brethren con- tinually I am sensible there is a good deal of suffering there and here, but let me say the Lord God who has fed us all the day long, has his care still over us, when the Saints are chastened enough it will scease at least the hand of God will be visible in there salvation, some individuals may fall but the body will be sustained I have never believed the Lord would suffer a general Massacrce of this people by a mob. If 10,000 men were to come against us if no other way was open the earth would open and swallow them up some say they can stay in Nauvoo and can live there in perfet peace they are so righteous, there are some that have no better eyes than to say let me live with the wicked in peace but there blessings will be scearce with the mob, and if they do not leave I fear they will prove a scourge
The following are some of the important words that flowed from President Youngs lips as he addressed the people and called upon them loudly to repent he said you must stop your swearing, you must stop your cheating, you must stop your lying, you must stop your stealing you must stop your horedoms you must stop your back biteings, speaking evil of the Twelve speaking evil of me, you must stop these things & put away your wickedness or you will be damned, you will be destroyed you will be visited by pestilence and plague and by the sword, and you will fall to the ground and I warn you and fore warn you of these things if you do not repent