11th Arived in St Louis at 10 oclok took passage
for Nauvoo on the Red wing at $4 each I bought
A Bill of Farming utensial Plough log chains Axes
shovels, Hoes, spades, sythes sickels, forks, steel
Iron combs cards grindstone breast & trace chains
codfish cheese &c &c the whole Bill $67.
Also A Hat for Father $2.75 1 Bolt cotton $3.25
^other^ sundrys $3.40. I spent the day in the city of
St Louis The boat started at 7 oclock. Little Phebe had slept with me at all times during
the whole Journey And when we come to go
to bed on this boat I found the birth so narrow
we were uncomfortable And we had both taken
cold last night And did not sleep well to
night distance from Cincinna to St Louis 700 miles
~ Sunday
12th Sunday the weather has changed
vary cold some snow on the ground Phebe
And myself have colds she continually
talks about going home And her Mother
~ Monday
13th We Passed quincy at 6 oclok A cold
but plesant day we stoped at warsaw
I gazed upon the place for A time And thought
of there wickedness oppression & cruelty
towards the Saints. We also stoped At Keokuk for an hour. At about 2 oclock we
started to ascend the rapids in about
2 Hours we came in sight of the splendid Temple
built by the Latter Day Saints And also
the city of Nauvoo I immediately got my spy
glass And exahmined the city. The Temple
truly looked splendid. We stoped at Montrose
And then crossed to Nauvoo at the upper
landing I soon got a waggon & took my
friends to My house whare I had the Happy
~ Saturday
11th Arived in St Louis at 10 oclok took passage
for Nauvoo on the Red wing at $4 each I bought
A bill of Farming utensial Plough log chains Axes
shovels, Hoes, spades, sythes sickels, forks, steel
Iron combs cards grindstone breast & trace chains
codfish cheese &c &c the whole Bill $67.
Also A Hat for Father $2.75 1 bolt cotton $3.25
other Sundrys $3.40. I spent the day in the city of
St Louis. The boat started at 7 oclock Little
Phebe had slept with me at all times during
the whole Journey And when we come to go
to bed on this boat I found the birth so narrow
we were uncomfortable And we had both taken
cold last night And did not sleep well to
night distance from Cincinna to St Louis 700 miles
~ Sunday
12th Sunday the weather has changed
vary cold some snow on the ground Phebe
And myself have colds she continually
talks about going home And her Mother
~ Monday
13th We Passed quincy at 6 oclok A cold
but plesant day we stoped at warsaw
I gazed upon the place for A time And thought
of there wickedness oppression & cruelty
towards the Saints. We also stoped At
Keokuk for an hour. At about 2 oclock we
started to ascend the rapids in about
2 Hours we came in sight of the Splendid Temple
built by the Latter Day Saints And also
the city of Nauvoo I immediately got my spy
glass And exahmined the city. The Temple
truly looked splendid. We stoped at Montrose
And then crossed to Nauvoo at the upper
landing I soon got a waggon & took my
friends to My house whare I had the Happy
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," April 11, 1846 - April 13, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/82Ol