16th I wrote A letter to R. Hedlock
& one to Luther Scammans I drew the
deeds of the Land I sold yesterday I
bought two waggons one of the Temple
committee for $70 one of J. Townsend
for $60. We got word to day that the Govornor was expecting to withdraw the
troops on the 1st day of May And the
spirit of mobocracy was expected to
break out at that time there was some
troops came in to town [at]tacked Property
And manifested a spirit of Hostility
~ Friday
17th I spent the day in making some
preperation to get away I had an interview
with many friends Among whome was Br Levi Richards I tried to buy a stove of
him for the journey In the evening I
commenced packing up my trunks one
more for A long Journey
~ Saturday
18th I have been much grieved in spirit
for several days in consequence of the
spirit made manifest in the House Br & Sister Webster have had there
minds filled with the spirit of
opposition to us & taken up with Mr Strang & trying to Prejudice the minds
of Father And Mother I called the
family together & freed my mind
upon the subject. I had a vary
busy day in packing up my things
~ Thursday
16th FIGURES I wrote A letter to R. Hedlock
& one to Luther Scammans I drew the
deeds of the Land I sold yesterday I
bought two waggons one of the Temple
committee for $70 one of J. Townsend
for $60. We got word to day that the
Govornor was expecting to withdraw the
troops on the 1st day of May And the
spirit of mobocracy was expected to
break out at that time there was some
troops came in to town attacked Property
And manifested a spirit of Hostility
~ Friday
17th I spent the day in making some
preperation to get away I had an interview
with many friends Among whome was Br
Levi Richards I tried to buy a stove of
him for the journey In the evening I
commenced packing up my trunks one
more for A long Journey
~ Saturday
18th [FIGURE] I have been much grieved in spirit
for several days in consequence of the
spirit made manifest in the House
Br & Sister Webster have had there
minds filled with the spirit of
opposition to us & taken up with Mr
Strang & trying to Prejudice the minds
of Father And Mother I called the
family together & freed my mind
upon the subject. I had a vary
busy day in packing up my things
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," April 16, 1846 - April 18, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/0RO7