Go carry glad tidings that none need doubt whether
The lamb & the lion shall lie down together
For the venom will cease when the devil is bound
And peace like a river extend the world around
o come to
Go publish the gospel the truth of the Savior
That the poor & the meek may begin to find favor
And rejoice in there coming redeemer & friend
And lo he is with you henceforth to the end
O go and invite them regardless of trouble
The rich & the learned the wise & the noble
That the guests may be ready when Jesus shall come
To welcome forever the Holy Bride groom
Go gather the willing & push them together
Y Yea push them to Zion the Saints rest forever
Where the best that the heaven & Earth can afford
Will grace the great marraiage & feast of the Lord
Go welcom is people let nothing proclude you
Come & & &
Come , &
& Come
Be faithful & Just to the end of your calling
Till the great she is fallen is fallen
Then return & receieve a Just servant's reward
& sit down to the feast of the house of the Lord
Come to the supper Come to the supper
Come to the supper WITH the great BRIDEGROOM
Go carry glad tidings that none need doubt whether
The lamb & the lion shall lie down together
For the venom will cease when the devil is bound
And peace like a river extend the world around
o come to
Go publish the gospel the truth of the Savior
That the poor & the meek may begin to find favor
And rejoice in there coming redeemer & friend
And lo he is with you henceforth to the end
O go and invite them regardless of trouble
The rich & the learned the wise & the noble
That the guests may be ready when Jesus shall come
To welcome forever the Holy Bridegroom
Go gather the willing & push them to go there
Yea push them to Zion the Saints rest forever
Where the best that the heaven & Earth can afford
Will grace the great marriage & feast of the Lord
Go welcom is people let nothing proclude you
Come & & &
Come , &
& Come
Be faithful & just to the end of your calling
Till the great she is fallen is fallen
Then return & receieve a just servant's reward
& sit down to the feast of the house of the Lord
Come to the supper Come to the supper
Come to the supper WITH the GREAT BRIDEGROOM