[FIGURE] The Proclamation To Come to the Supper
Of the Great Bridegroom. By. ...
Theres a feast of fat things for the righteous prepareing
That the good of this world all the Saints may be sharing
For the harvest is ripe & the reapers have learned
To reap down the wheat that the tares may be burned
Come to the supper come to the supper
Come to the supper of the great BRIDEGROOM
Go forth all ye servants unto every nation
And lift up your voisces and make proclamation
For to cease from all evil & leave off all mirth
For the Savior is coming to reign on the Earth
come to the supper
Go set forth the Judgments to come & the sorrow
For after to day O there cometh to morrow
Whe[n] the wicked ungodly rebellious & proud
Shall be burn^t^ed up as stubble O cry it aloud
o come to the supper
Go pass throughout & dark regions
To far shores & to blacks legions
And proclaim to all people as your passing by
The fig tree are leafing the summer is nigh
o come
Go call on the great men of fame & of power
The King on his throne the brave in his tower
And inform them all Kingdoms must fall but the one
As clear as the moon as fair as the son
o come
Go cry to all qua[r]ters & then to the islands
To Gentiles & Jews & proclaim to the heathens
And exclaim to old Israel in every land
Repent ye the Kingdom of haeaven's at hand
The Proclamation To Come to the Supper
of the Great Bridegroom. By. ...
Theres a feast of fat things for the righteous prepareing
That the good of this world all the saints may be sharing
For the harvest is ripe & the reapers have learned
To reap down the wheat that the tares may be burned
Come to the supper come to the supper
Come to the supper of the great BRIDEGROOM
Go forth all ye servants unto every nation
And lift up your voices and make proclamation
For to cease from all evil & leave off all mirth
For the Savior is coming to reign on the Earth
come to the supper
Go set forth the judgments to come & the sorrow
For after to day O there cometh to morrow
When the wicked ungodly rebellious & proud
Shall be burt up as stubble O cry it aloud
o come to the supper
Go pass through our & dark regions
To far shores & to blacks legions
And proclaim to all people as your passing by
The fig tree are leafing the summer is nigh
o come
Go call on the great men of fame & of power
The King on his throne the brave in his tower
And inform them all Kingdoms must fall but the one
As clear as the moon's as fair as the son
o come
Go cry to all quarters & then to the islands
To Gentiles & Jews & proclaim to the heathens
And exclaimed to old Israel in every land
Repent ye the Kingdom of heaven's at hand