[FIGURE] Aug 11th{Elder Benbow loaned Elder Turley} 20 {pounds and gave me} 15 {for our London mission}
We took the parting hand with Elder Turley who
started for Liverpool to prepare a ship for about 80
Saints to emegrate to America 40 of which Elder J
Benbow takes with him & pays their expenses to
America out of Mercy to the poor Saints Let the
Blessings of Almighty God rest upon him forever &
ever He Gave Elder Turley £100 to secure the
Passage of the Saints. We took the parting hand with
Brother & Sister Bendbow & the Saints at Froms
Hill to see them No more untill I meet them in NAUVOOU. S. A. Aa they are about to emegrat
there, we walked to Ledbury, & spent the night I wrote a letter to B Young & one to Elder Glover 7 [miles]
~ Wednesday
12th We walked to Dymock & found Elder Kimball
at Elder Kingtons he had come from Manchester
to meet Elder Smith & myself for the purpose
of Going to the city of London. Elder Kimball had
two letters direct from America one from his
wife & the other from father John Smith to
his son George A. Smith. Sister Kimball inmforms
us of the Death of Bishop EDWARD PATRIDGE
who DIED May 27th 1840 & his oldest Daughter Died
the week before. The Loss of Bishop Patridge will be greatly
felt by the Church he is one of the wisest & best men
of the Last Days He was like Nathaniel of old in whom
there is no guile, [John 1:47] he has passed through much Persecuti-
on for the word of God & the testimony of Jesus Christ in
1833 he was Imprisioned & besmeared with tar & feathers
in 1839 he was again Imprisioned & passed through the
great persecution of that year & he has been a member
& Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
almost from the Beginning. But he has now gone to
rest & to receive his crown of Glory
Father John Smith Informed us in his letter of some
remarkable signs that lately appeared among the Saints
viz on the 14th of June 1840 on Sunday five {persons}
men members of the Church saw twomen ride across the Missisippi ^river^ from Commerce Missisippi River from Montrose
to Nauvoo one man was on a white horse & the other on
a bay or red horse the waters parted under their feet
& fire flew when therir tails moved & they observed the
clothing of the men. A few month previous to this a man
was seen walking across the river by several believers &
others the unbeleivers said probably a mormon was
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] Aug 11th{Elder Benbow loaned Elder Turley} 20 {pounds and gave me} 15 {for our London mission}
We took the parting hand with Elder Turley who
Started for Liverpool to prepare a ship for about 80
Saints to emegrate to America 40 of which Elder J
Benbow takes with him & pays their expenses to
America out of Mercy to the poor Saints Let the
Blessings of Almighty God rest upon him forever &
ever He Gave Elder Turley £100 to secure the
Passage of the Saints. We took the parting hand with
Brother & Sister Benbow & the Saints at Froms
Hill to see them No more untill I meet them in
NAUVOOU.S.A. Aa they are about to emegrat
there, we walked to Ledbury, & spent the night
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to B Young & one to Elder Glover 7
~ Wednesday
12th We walked to Dymock & found Elder Kimball
at Elder Kingtons he had come from Manchester
to meet Elder Smith & myself for the purpose
of Going to the city of London. Elder Kimball had
two letters direct from America one from his
wife & the other from father John Smith to
his Son George A. Smith. Sister Kimball informs
us of the Death of Bishop EDWARD PATRIDGE
who DIED May 27th 1840 & his oldest Daughter Died
the week before The Loss of Bishop Patridge will be greatly
felt by the Church he is one of the wisest & best men
of the Last Days. he was like Nathaniel of old in whom
there is no guile, he has passed through much Persecution for the word of God & the testimony of Jesus Christ in
1833 he was Imprisioned & besmeared with tar & feathers
in 1839 he was again Imprisioned & passed through the
great Persecution of that year & he has been a member
& Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
almost from the Beginning. But he has now gone to
rest & to receive his Crown of Glory
[FIGURE] Father John Smith Informed us in his letter of some
remarkable Signs that lately appeared among the Saints
viz on the 14th of June 1840 on Sunday five {persons}
men members of the Church saw twomen ride across the
river Missisippi River from Montrose
to Nauvoo one man was on a white horse & the other on
a bay or red horse the waters parted under their feet
& fire flew when their tails moved & they observed the
clothing of the men. A few month previous to this a man
was seen walking across the river by several believers &
others the Unbeleivers said Probably a mormon was
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," August 11, 1840 - August 12, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jBy