13th We walked to the Leigh & held a meeting with the
Saints Elders Kimble, Smith, & myself, all spoke to the
people we had an interesting time. After meeting
I Baptized 4 & jointly confirmed 7. we spent
the night at Elder Browetts 7 miles
~ Friday
14th I spent the day at the Leigh In the evening we
met the Saints at Elder Browetts for a council meeti
ng we had an interesting time Elder Smith spoke first
& recommended the Saints to spend 5 minutes each day
in getting an Idea in their minds from the scriptures
& in one year they would have 365 new Ideas in their
minds which would form a fountain of Intelligence
& knowledge which would benefit themselves & man
kind. After meeting 2 were Baptized & we lade [hands] on
one man & confirmed him & healed several that were
sick we spent the night at Elder Browetts
16th Sunday we held a camp meeting at the Leigh Elders Kimblall & Smith & myself spoke both in the forenoon &
afternoon a large congregation was together we Baptized
4 & confirmed 7. ordained one Elder & two Priest GJohn
Horlick was ordained an Elder, George & William Harlick
was ordained Priests the two latter had come 12 miles
to received the work after they were Baptized we
confirmed & ordained them at the same time. we com-
muned with the saints & had an interesting time
~ Monday
17th We took the parting hand with the Saints at the Leigh & rode in company with Elder Browett to Chelten-
ham & called upon Sister Clark at Mrs Smiths No 3
Union St we then called upon Br Thomas Browett at
No 11. Hanover St we then called at the Temperance
Hotel & spent the night Pop[ulation] of Cheltenham 40,000 5 mile
going across to steal sumthing. this is the effect that
Signs have on those that seek them.
13th We walked to the Leigh & held a meeting with the
Saints Elders Kimble, Smith, & myself, all spoke to the
people we had an interesting time. After meeting
I Baptized 4 & jointly Confirmed 7. we spent
the night at Elder Browetts 7 miles
~ Friday
14th I spent the day at the Leigh In the evening we
met the Saints at Elder Browetts for a council meeti
ng we had an interesting time Elder Smith spoke first
& recommended the Saints to spend 5 minutes each day
in getting an Idea in their minds from the scriptures
& in one year they would have 365 new Ideas in their
minds which would form a fountain of Intelligence
& knowledge which would benefit themselves & man
kind. After meeting 2 were Baptized & we lade hands on
one man & confirmed him & healed several that were
sick we spent the night at Elder Browetts
~ Saturday
15th we spent the day in the Leigh writing I wrote
[FIGURE] 3 Letters one to Elder Whittaker one to Br John Rowley
one to Brother Hume [FIGURE] also one to Young &
Richards & one to G Simpson we Baptized &
confirmed one
~ Sunday
16th Sunday we held a camp meeting at the Leigh Elders
Kimball & Smith & myself spoke both in the forenoon &
afternoon a large congregation was together we Baptized
4 & confirmed 7. ordained one Elder & two Priest John
Horlick was ordained an Elder, George & William Harlick
was ordained Priests the two latter had come 12 miles
to received the work after they were Baptized we
confirmed & ordained them at the same time. we communed with the saints & had an interesting time
~ Monday
17th We took the parting hand with the Saints at the
Leigh & rode in company with Elder Browett to Cheltenham & called upon Sister Clark at Mrs Smiths No 3
Union St we then called upon Br Thomas Browett at
No 11. Hanover St we then called at the Temperance
Hotel & spent the night Pop of Cheltenham 40,000 5 mile
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," August 12, 1840 - August 17, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kgJ