Aug 15 1875
Sunday I met with Bishop Hunter & 20 Bishops
at 9 oclok Bishop Hunter spoke to us 55 Minuts upon
the Araronic PriesthoodG Q Cannon spoke to the
Sunday school children at 9 oclok. At 10 oclok
all the congregation met & David P Kimball
Prayed. John Taylor spoke one hour & 20 Minuts
Afternoon Randolph Stewart prayed & W Woodruff
spoke 35 Minuts & G Q Cannon 50. The rules of
the United Order were then read and J Taylor
spoke 15 Minuts. At the close of the Meeting
we repaired to the water & G Q Cannon Baptized
20 Persons including Charles C Rich and Wm
Budge, most of those who were Baptized were
officiating as Bishops they were confirmed under
the Hands of John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff
and A M Musser W Woodruff confirmed 7.
At 15 M to 1 oclok we parted with the Saints & took
cars rode to Brigham City there found President Brigham Young who joined us we then rode to Ogden & on
to Salt Lake City whare I again Met my family 80 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
18. I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House. we Baptized 200350. D. H. Wells sealed 47 couple & W Woodruff 15 couple
Aug 15 1875
Sunday I met with Bishop Hunter & 20 Bishops
at 9 oclok Bishop Hunter spoke to us 55 Minuts upon
the Aaronic PriesthoodG Q Cannon spoke to the
Sunday School children at 9 oclok At 10 oclok
all the congregation met & David P Kimball
Prayed John Taylor spoke one hour & 20 Minuts
Afternoon Randolph Stewart Prayed & W Woodruff
spoke 35 Minuts & G Q Cannon 50. The rules of
the United Order were then read and J Taylor
spoke 15 Minuts At the close of the Meeting
we repaired to the water & G Q Cannon Baptized
20 Persons including Charles C Rich and Wm
Budge, most of those who were Baptized were
Officiating as Bishops they were confirmed under
the Hands of John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff
and A M Musser W Woodruff confirmed 7.
At 15 Minutes to 1 oclok we parted with the Saints & took
cars rode to Brigham City there found President
Brigham Young who joined us we then rode to Ogden & on
to Salt Lake City whare I again Met my family 80 Miles
~ Wednesday
18. I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House. we Baptized
350 D. H. Wells sealed 47 couple & W Woodruff 15 couple
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," August 15, 1875 - August 19, 1875, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,