I there saw Br Lot Smith making his way up the steep
serpentine trail to meet with me. I saw many women
going Down the trail with Judgs [jugs] on their back for water
from the well. I also saw many Donkies coming up the trail
climing the stone stepts with a sack of Ears of corn on their backs
to the village followed by an indian driver All the corn, beans
Mellons, squashes, wood & water had to be brought up this step
trail of 1500 feet on the backs of Asses, Men, & women which
is an immens amount of Labor All thes seven villages
are built of rock laid in Mortar from one to four stories high
were built by their forefathers many hundreds of years
ago were built and ociupied for many generations to
be secure against their Enemies the Navajoe & others for
40 Men with rocks & stones could keep Napoleens army
from reaching them as ownly one man could come up
at the a time I stood on the top of Block of stone 10 x 20 feet
on top stand on End, hundreds of feet deep with crevices
beteen the Block from 1 to 3 feet wide Brother Smith & hatch
soon arived and Brought me some breakfast which I relished
we then went with Si to the South village Walpe to visit
them This village stands on the south End of the rock, and
their work shops stand flush to the out Edge of the precipace
and the Dwelling houses stand from 10 to 12 feet from the Edge
of the rock and there is nothing built up to keep Men women
or children from falling off Eith day or night and dropping
1500 feet into the abiss below. One chief fell of & several children
at different times In time of war 5 Navajoes were shoved off by the Moquis they came to talke of peace but got in a Dispute and were
Oct 25 1879
I there saw Br Lot Smith making his way up the steep
serpentine trail to meet with me. I saw many women
going down the trail with Jugs on their back for water
from the well. I also saw many Dunkies coming up the trail
climing the stone stepts with a sack of Ears of corn on their backs
to the village followed by an indian driver All the corn, beans
Mellons, squashes, wood & water had to be brought up this step
trail of 1500 feet on the backs of Asses, Man, & women which
is an immens amount of Labor All thes seven villages
are built of rock laid in Mortar from one to four stories high
were built by their forefathers many hundreds of years
ago were built and ocupied for many generations to
be secure against their Enemies the Navajoe & others for
40 Men with rocks & stones could keep Napoleens army
from reaching them as ownly one man could come up
at a time I stood on the top of Black of stone 10 x 20 feet
on top stand on End, hundreds of feet deep with crevices
beteen the Black from 1 to 3 feet wide. Brother Smith & hatch
soon arived and Brought me some breakfast which I relished
we then went with Si to the South village Walpe to visit
them This village stands on the South End of the rock, and
their workshops stand flush to the out Edge of the precapice
and the Dwelling houses stand from 10 to 12 feet from the Edge
of the rock and there is nothing built up to keep Men women
or children from falling off Eith day or night and dropping
1500 feet into the abiss below. One Chief fell of & several children
at different times in time of war 3 Navajoes was shoved off by the
Moqois they came to talke of peace but got in a Dispute and were
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 25, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kZgE